Vaping & Smoking

Vaping & Smoking

Candy-inspired vape flavors

The Appeal of Candy-Inspired Vape Flavors

Have you ever wondered why candy-inspired vape flavors have captured the hearts (and taste buds) of so many vapers? From the nostalgic sweetness of gummy bears to the tangy zing of sour apple, these flavors evoke cherished memories while delivering a satisfying vaping experience. But their appeal goes beyond just tasting good; candy vape juice […]

The Appeal of Candy-Inspired Vape Flavors Read More »

Vaping vs smoking

Vaping vs Smoking: Updated 2020

Quick Navigation Smoking vs Vaping: IntroThe Origin of VapingIs Vaping Healthier Than Smoking?What ​​Does the FDA Have to Say​?Is Vaping Safer than Smoking Because It’s Cleaner?Vaping Popularity Leads to Advancements in Vaporizer QualityVaping to Help Quit Cigarette SmokingIs Vaping Better Than Smoking Cigarettes for Your Budget?How Does Second-Hand Smoke Fare in the Contest of Vaping

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Vaping causes less damage to our DNA than cigarettes, New Study Reveals

A recent study have found that vaping may not damage your DNA as much as smoking does. It was found that inhaling the same amount of nicotine using an e-cigarette resulted in a very minimal change to genes. The study compared the effects of vaping to that of smoking because it is known that smoking

Vaping causes less damage to our DNA than cigarettes, New Study Reveals Read More »

E-cigarettes vs. Nicotine replacement therapy

Quit Smoking with Vaping: 5 Reasons Vapes Crush NRT

E-Cigarettes VS. Nicotine Replacement Therapy For one of my college classes I was assigned to write a summary paper on a peer reviewed journal article. Since I love e-cigarettes, I found an interesting article titled ‘Perceived efficiency of e-cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy among successful e-cigarette users‘. In it they studied people who had quit

Quit Smoking with Vaping: 5 Reasons Vapes Crush NRT Read More »

Coronavirus 4833754 1920 vaping and covid 19 survey: 11% of vapers returning to smoking amid pandemic

Vaping and Covid 19 Survey: 11% of Vapers Returning to Smoking Amid Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the entire world. No industry has been left unchanged by the sweeping lockdowns, closed borders, or the public resource crunch caused by COVID-19. And the vaping industry has been no exception.Coupled with broad changes to how governments are regulating e cigarettes and vaping in the United States, Europe, and other

Vaping and Covid 19 Survey: 11% of Vapers Returning to Smoking Amid Pandemic Read More »

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