The Dangers of Smoking and Mesothelioma

The Dangers of Smoking and Mesothelioma

Smoking is a harmful habit that can result in all types of health issues in the future. Individuals who do not take care of their lung health may experience a number of health concerns as a direct result from smoking. This is especially true for those who struggle with mesothelioma and other forms of cancer.

Mesothelioma, in particular, stands to be largely affected by smoking because of how the cancer manifests in the lungs and interior lung lining. By knowing what to expect, individuals may stand a better chance of reducing their risk and exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants.

More Difficult Recovery

Studies show that individuals who smoke during the recovery process will have a much more difficult time recovering successfully. Smoking puts unnecessary strain on the body, forcing the lungs and heart to work harder for the same amount of work, which can be tiring for the individual.

All medical professionals recommend for individuals to quit smoking as soon as possible, especially when they discover that there is already an existing cancer in the body. Reducing further complications that could arise from smoking will make the recovery process go much more smoothly, especially in those who need to undergo extensive and aggressive chemotherapy treatments.

Increased Respiratory Risks

Because mesothelioma already affects the lungs, individuals who smoke regularly at an increased risk of lung issues. Mesothelioma can make it difficult for the lungs to breathe reliably, and this effect is compounded even further by the presence of the smoking. It is no secret that smoking regularly reduces the respiratory system’s ability to function, culminating in asthma-like symptoms, coughing and lung failure.

Such lung problems may make the recovery process more difficult on an emotional and personal level as well. When the individual does not feel as though they are getting better, their body may not be able to fight as well as it can.

Harder Time Quitting

In addition to all types of long-term issues, smoking more during the recovery process will simply make it more difficult to quit in the future. Though this may seem obvious, the repercussions may result in an increased smoking habit as a way for the individual to cope with the stress of chemotherapy and recovery. This can have a tremendously negative effect on the patient, as they stand to exacerbate the existing cancer or develop new types of cancer, such as throat and lung cancer because of their smoking.

Those who feel as though they may not be able to quit smoking during their treatment should be sure to speak with the appropriate professionals to increase their chances of recovery. Not all quitting plans may be right for all patients, but the opportunity to speak with a specialist who can optimize the quitting process can improve just about every facet of the patient’s life. As such, patients who still smoke when they discover their mesothelioma should make immediate plans to stop in the future to reduce their risks and overall remission rates.

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