Kanger Subtank Mini & Nano Review

Kanger subtank mini and nano review

The Kanger Subtank Mini and Nano sub ohm tanks are the smaller follow up editions to the much larger full size Subtank clearomizer. The original Kanger Subtank hit the market with rave reviews for its build quality, and the stellar performance of the new O.C.C replacement coils. However, many users complained about the 25mm diameter of the atomizer which made device pairings a bit of a challenge. Enter the new Kanger Subtank Mini and Nano sub ohm clearomizers.

The authentic Kanger Subtank Mini and Nano clearomizers featured in this review were provided by Cigabuy.com for the purpose of this product review. The Subtank Mini and Nano are packaged in red sliding draw gift boxes, and include extra OCC coils, and a spare parts package. The Subtank Mini retails for $27.38USD, and the Nano retails for $21.42 on Cigabuy.com.

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Where to Buy a Subtank Mini or Nano:


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  • Brand: Kanger Technology
  • Type: clearomizer
  • Material: stainless steel and pyrex glass
  • Features:
  • -OCC pre-made coils (Organic Cotton made in Japan)
  • -510 Connection
  • -Pyrex Glass
  • -4.5ml (Mini) 3ml (Nano) Capacity Tank
  • -Durable Structure
  • -Enhanced airflow system
  • -Smaller and more compact design
  • 22mm (Mini) 18.5mm (Nano) diameter
  • -0.5 sub-ohm/ range 15W~30W
  • -1.2Ohm / range 12W~25W


The Kanger Subtank Mini package is very similar to that of the original Subtank which includes the clearomizer, two OCC coils (.5 and 1.2 ohm), a rebuildable atomizer deck, an extra pyrex glass tank, organic Japanese cotton pad, and spare orings/screws.

At first glance the Kanger Mini appears to be almost identical to the full size Subtank, however, there are some differences between them. The first and most obvious difference is the 22mm diameter of the Subtank Mini, which is also 30 grams lighter than the original Subtank. The Subtank Mini also does not require an additional alternate top cap with reduced center post in order to use the included the rebuildable atomizer deck, as was the case of the original Subtank.

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The Kanger Subtank Nano clearomizer also includes two OCC coils of the same resistance as the Subtank Mini. However, the only extras included with the Nano is a spare pyrex glass tank, and two silicon o rings. As the name implies, the Subtank Nano is smaller in diameter than the Mini version at 18.5mm.

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Out of the box I immediately noticed a difference in quality between the original full size Subtank, and the Mini and Nano versions. While I definitely would not describe the quality of the Subtank Mini and Nano as being low or poor quality, neither clearomizer feels as solid, or as finished in quality as the full size Subtank that I previously reviewed. While all three versions of the Subtank are made from stainless steel, the stainless steel of the Subtank Mini and Nano is milled much thinner than the full size Subtank, and the finish of the stainless is rather dull by comparison.

Whereas I was very impressed the first time that I handled the full size Subtank, in this instance I was a bit underwhelmed when I first removed these atomizers from their boxes. Again the quality is not low, but it also not as high as the full size Subtank that I reviewed.

Both the Subtank Mini and Nano have wide bore, removable 510 drip tips, and are compatible with other 510 drip tips as well.

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Both the Mini and Nano tanks thread on and off of their respective bases, and the threads are clean. The tank section of the Subtank Mini is composed of two basic parts which are the steel tank and the pyrex tank sleeve which is press fit over the stainless steel portion. The red o ring shown at the bottom of the tank section actually belongs around the base of the Subtank Mini atomizer. Unlike the full size Subtank, the Subtank Mini’s top cap cannot be removed from the tank section.

The Subtank Nano is composed of three basic parts which are the top cap with threaded center post, the bottom tank section, and the pyrex glass tank which is also press fit over the stainless steel tank.

The OCC coils included with the Subtank Mini and Nano are the same as those used in the full size Kanger Subtank, and so they are interchangeable with one another.

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In keeping with the “sub ohm/cloud chaser” theme, the Subtank Mini and Nano both have huge air flow capacities, and both the air flow control of the Subtank Mini and Nano have been slightly redesigned.

Instead of having three air holes positioned side by side like the original full size Subtank, there is a single air hole, dual air holes, and one large and wide cyclops style air hole positioned at different points around the base. The AFC ring is then moved to one of the three desired settings. You can also fully expose, or partially block any one of the three air flow settings.

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The Subtank Mini’s rebuidable atomizer deck is a little different from the RBA deck seen on the full size Subtank however, in my opinion it is not different enough. I had hoped to see larger and wider e-liquid channels on this RBA deck. The narrow juice channels on the RBA deck are not ideal for Max VG e-liquids, and I will elaborate on at in a bit.

Since the Mini’s RBA deck does come pre-installed with a .5 ohm coil build, I decided give that a go for my first vape with the Subtank Mini.

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The RBA deck is wicked and primed in the same manner as the RBA deck on the full size Subtank, both of which are essentially built like a Kayfun style atomizer. The OCC coil heads also need to be fully primed with e-liquid prior use. Both the Subtank Mini and Nano tanks are filled in the same manner as the full size Subtank.

What is good about the Kanger Subtank Mini and Nano is that the flavor produced with both the RBA deck and the OCC coils is very good, just as it was with the full size Subtank. However, what I absolutely did not like with both the Mini and Nano is how utterly hot the vape is at .5 ohms. Not really warm, but very hot. Now, let me say for the record that I am no stranger to sub ohm vaping. I have several RDAs and dual coil RBAs that I run between .45-.70 ohms, and none of them vape as hot as these two clearomizers.

For me, they were so hot that I simply did not want to vape them. While discussing the matter on an Ecig forum, a fellow vaper suggested that I try using a drip tip with a much smaller bore. Following this suggestion I switched to a small bore drip tip on the Mini, and I also changed the Subtank Mini RBA deck over to the 1.2 ohm OCC coil. Now I had a warm, yet tolerable vape with the Subtank Mini.

I also switched to a small bore drip tip with the Subtank Nano, and moved the air flow to the widest cyclops setting which cooled the vape off enough to make it bearable. I paired the Subtank Nano with the Ego One 1100mah battery which is not only size/diameter compatible with the Mini, but it can also handle the high current draw of a .5 sub ohm build. I will say that the amount of vapor that this Nano is capable of putting out is pretty impressive.

The Subtank Mini’s RBA deck did have trouble keeping up with wicking with my Max VG juice in combination with the .5 ohm build. So I would highly suggest using thinner e-liquids (50% VG and below) with the Mini’s RBA deck. Both of these clearomizers produce very good flavor however, they both also produce very hot vapor. While I was able to find a decent workaround for the super hot vape, at the end of the day I was not in love with either of these clearos.

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If you are a sub ohm vaper who enjoys a hot vape, and the convenience of the plug n play style atomizers, then the Kanger Subtank Mini and Nano will be right up your alley. Both of these atomizers produce good flavor, and lots of vapor, albeit too hot for my tastes. Hot vapor aside, where I feel the most let down is in the average build quality of the Kanger Subtank Mini and Nano which are not as high as the original full size Subtank, at least not in my opinion.

However, what does remain impressive to me is the performance of the Kanger OCC coils, which work very well, and appear to be very consistent based on my experience with them. I definitely prefer the 1.2 ohm OCC coil for use in the Subtank Mini and Nano. Even as I found the .5 ohm OCC coil to vape very warm with full size Subtank, it was not nearly as hot to me. All in all for my needs and wants the Subtank Mini and Nano are a pass for me, but they may be perfectly suitable for someone else.

With upcoming reviews for the Joyetech Delta II, Ego One, Typhoon sub ohm tank by Council of Vapor, and the Arctic BTDC sub ohm tank on the horizon, it will be interesting to see which of these sub ohm clearomizer ends up being at the top of my list.

Final photo


  • ​Flavor production
  • check
    ​Adjustable air flow


  • ​Hot vapor production

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Where to Buy a Subtank Mini or Nano


18 thoughts on “Kanger Subtank Mini & Nano Review”

  1. Paul (Nailz)

    I am sold on the subtanks, I have a full size one, which I use the 0.5ohm coils for work, and now have 2 mini’s that I use the RBA’s at home.

    They even made me put up my Aqua V2, due to how easy they are to build and fill, also I had zero leaking issues, I am using 50/50 juice, so not had any wicking problems with mine, but have seen people reporting the same as you, does not wick very well for higher VG juices.

    I did have the same problem with the mini’s being too hot too, and I normally vape at 0.50ohms, so use to hot vapes, but even building at 0.70 ohms, them metal drip tips get really hot, I ended up getting some delrin drip tips, and that has helped a lot.

    Now they are releasing a the 25mm subtank plus, which uses the same mini RBA, so that will probably be in my purchase future soon too, oh and I want a 3rd mini :)

    1. Hi Paul .. its good that the Subtank Mini works for your vape style. I prefer the full size performance over the Mini and Nano, but the 1.2 ohm coil makes the Mini and Nano better for me. Still not my go to atties though.

      1. Hi Nicole, just curious. What are your go to RBA’s. I’m new to RBA’s and purchased a Kayfun lite and I like the tighter draw like the Nautilus Mini but mine no matter how many times I try to rewick, I always get gurgling and slightly burnt taste. I’m using a bell cap and I’ve wasted so much juice trying to re re-wick the damn thing. Do you think the Kayfun V4 would be a good purchase?

        1. My go to RBA’s at the moment are the authentic Russian 2.0 and Aqua V2 by Footoon. I do have a couple of Kayfun 4 clones and they work well although there is a learning to them, not to mention 41 parts and pieces. With a good amount of research before purchase you could be ok with the Kayfun v4. If you get a KF4 clone then I highly recommend the Tobeco version.

  2. Hello.
    Because i dont like very warm vaper…i just use the RBA coil and i make coils around 1,5/1,8 ohms… between 7/12 Watts…..problem solved.
    Great taste and vapor.
    Never have a leak in Subtank Mini.
    I user 2mm coils and its my favourite tank for all day vape….and i have lots of diferent ones…
    I think i found “my tank”.

    1. That is great to hear Luis. I don’t think that the Subtank Mini is bad at all, it just wasn’t good enough to cause me to want to add it to my current everyday device rotation. But I know there are plenty of vapers who are very happy with it, so it comes down to a matter of taste. :)

  3. Don (xXXFR8TRNXXx)

    Thank you for the review Nicole. I’m very new to all this and have already purchased a mini, I love it, but like I said I’m new. Really enjoy your reviews.

    1. Hi Don and thank you! You know one thing to always keep in mind with any product review is that the reviewers opinion is relative to the sum total of various products experienced. Sometimes the more things you try, the more picky you become about what aspects of a device rate high with you. I am certain that many vapers will be satisfied both clearos, but I have used other atties that satisfy me more.

      1. Don (xXXFR8TRNXXx)

        So Nicole, what would you recommend over the Kanger line up? Prefer tanks over dripping due to work. Have a Lemo Drop, and a Goblin, but the fill is a pain on both. Using a IPV mini, with a VaporFlask DNA40 clone, and a NES DNA40 on the way. Any input would be fantastic. Thanks again for your reviews!

        1. Hi Don .. Well I am actually using the Typhoon sub ohm tank at this moment which is made by Council of Vapor. I definitely rate the build quality and aesthetics higher than the Mini and Nano. Although it comes with two .5 ohm coils it vapes more like a RTA. The vape is warm, it has good air flow, but its not the power house hot vape of the Subtank .. so this may or may not appeal to you. That review will publish this coming Thursday, so look out for my final thoughts.

          I have heard great things about the Delta II by Joyetech, and it has been said that its better than the Subtank and Atlantis. I can’t say for sure because I am still waiting for it to arrive so that I can review it. But there are other reviews out there so I would suggest you take a look at the Delta II. Hope this helps, and thank you for your comments. :)

  4. Good info! Love the honest opinions! Am looking for a tank for the wife and am considering the mini,since I have the full size ktank. Like the idea of crossover coil use,but your smart review has given me much to think about. I’ll keep looking! Us newbies really need your kinda insights! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome William :) .. Your wife might be ok with the Mini or Nano with the 1.2 ohm coil, but I can’t imagine she would like the .5 ohm. I was sincere when I said it was hot to the point of very unpleasant. As I just suggested to another viewer, take a look at the Joyetech Delta II and the Typhoon by Council of Vapor. My review of the Typhoon will publish later this week, and I can tell you that I liked it way more than the Mini or Nano.

      But you always have to keep in my mind that my opinions are based on my preferences and how I like to vape. I will go over “why” I liked the Typhoon more though, so you will have some food for thought. I will review the Delta II soon, but there are already good reviews out for it and it appears to be a win.

  5. I bought my husband and myself the Kanger subtank mini a couple months ago and we love them. I haven’t used any other tank since. Now my husband has also a magma dripper he uses time to time. But we both love our tanks. If and that’s a big IF these tanks ever tare up/break I will definitely buy another one.

    1. Virginia I am happy to hear that you are happy with them. Most of my friends who have them also like them, but for me I just didn’t care for them at all. That goes to show ya that the old adage remains true “different strokes for different folks”.

  6. Chris Kasang Jr

    I was wondering what other atomizer tubes & coil’s will work with my wife’s Joyetech eGo One? Also what coils do you recommend for a better drag that will produce a nice vape cloud. She is using the .5 ohm coil. Just wondering if someone could help us out!

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