OverOne RDA Review

Overone rda by mmvapors review

Review of the OverOne RDA by MMVapors

The OverOne RDA is an authentic rebuildable dripping atomizer made by the very well known, and respected Metal Madness Vapors located in Greece. MMVapors made their mark within the electronic cigarette industry with their insanely popular and coveted DID Genesis atomizer, which also happens to be the first high end rebuildable atomizer to ever be cloned.

Did collage

The head designer and craftsman of MMV, Jim Damianidis aka DID continued to impress the vape community with remarkable original designs such as the Poldiac mechanical mod with its innovative magnetic side fire button, changeable clothes (pants/shirt), with multiple battery configurations all dressed in a stunningly beautiful aesthetic which has yet to be surpassed by any mechanical mod currently on the market, at least in my opinion.

Miriamwth collage

The MMV list of notable devices continues on with the Temon 14500 mechanical mod, Gemini atomizer, TNS atomizer, Nanos mechanical mod, and of course MMVapors most recent rebuildable atomizer offering, the OverOne RDA. The OverOne rebuildable dripping atomizer is intended for multiple coil configurations, or as the name suggests, “Over-one” coil.

The OverOne RDA featured in this was provided by MMVapors for the purpose of this product review. The OverOne is uniquely packaged in a wood gift box bearing the brand logo, and the atomizer itself is carefully contained within a thick foam insert. The OverOne RDA is available for purchase direct from MMVapors and it currently retails for $75.00 Euros, which roughly works out to $84.00usd (shipping not included).

Buy the OverOne RDA here

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  • Brand: Metal Madness Vapors (MMV)
  • Type: rebuildable dripping atomizer
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Connection threading: 510
  • Diameter: 22.6mm (22mm also available)
  • Height: 24.5mm (AFC closed, minus drip tip)
  • Weight: 40grams
  • Features:

  • Removable top cap
  • 510 drip tip compatible
  • Adjustable air flow
  • 7.6mm deep drip well


The OverOne RDA is fully constructed from stainless steel, and it is available in three different finishes, polished, satin, and brushed. The OverOne comes in two different diameters which are 22.6mm to match other MMVapors mechanical mods (Poldiac and Nanos), or 22mm. I chose the 22.6mm diameter since I had previously ordered a Poldiac MiriamWTH Classic, and now I also have the Nanos Thorin mechanical mod.

The OverOne RDA is shown below in the satin finish which is also nicely accented by a polished top cap. The machining and build quality of the OverOne is nothing short of top notch. The 510 drip hole comfortably accommodates every drip tip that I have tried to use with it. At the center of the body you can see the very large and wide Cyclops style air holes, which appear on both sides of the body and are fully adjustable.

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The OverOne breaks down into three basic parts which are the build deck/base, the main body sleeve/AFC, and the top cap. The main body sleeve is press fit over the base, and the AFC portion of the main body is threaded, and removable. The dual air holes on either side of the body are a whopping 13.5mm wide x 2mm top to bottom. This level of air flow is like a true cloud chasers dream, even as this RDA is not only for the cloud chaser.

The threads on both the main body sleeve and the AFC ring are clean and precisely machined, which is what I would expect from a modding outfit like MMV. There is also an o ring positioned beneath the threads on the main body for added stability of the AFC ring.

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One of the things that I like the most about the OverOne is the effective and versatile air flow control. When the AFC is set to your desired setting there is no spinning or accidental movement of the AFC off that setting. It is also possible to completely close off the air holes and create a seal within the chamber which makes the OverOne RDA a very pocketable atomizer. This is a huge positive for this dripper because there are some drippers that you cannot put in your pocket and trust that they will not leak.

The top cap is fitted with double o rings for a secure fit, which is also not too tight and difficult to remove. The top cap also has a conical shape for flavor enhance within the atomizers chamber.

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The build deck has a knarled thumb screw around the positive post, with the lead hole being drilled through the stainless steel positive post. The negative posts are milled into the deck from solid piece of stainless steel, and have 3mm post holes.

Now the other thing that I really like about the OverOne is the super deep drip well which is approximately 7.6mm in depth, and so it can hold a lot of cotton and e-liquid. The 510 connection and positive post comes default in stainless steel however, there is the option to buy brass or copper positive posts for the OverOne RDA.

The MMV logo, OverOne name, and serial are laser etched on the bottom of the OverOne RDA.

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As it is with every other rebuildable atomizer, performance is greatly dependent on your build, and the OverOne is no different. In fact, I would say that your ability to build this atomizer in a manner that flows with its design is more crucial to performance than with your average rebuildable dripping atomizer. This is not the dripper where you can just twist up a couple of coils, catch your leads, and wick-n-vape — not if you want a good vape that is.

That being said, the OverOne is not at all difficult to build, you just need to understand how to build it in order for this atty to shine according to its design. With 13.5mm wide air holes, coil and wick placement will make or break your build. As previously mentioned the OverOne RDA is designed for two or more coils. For optimal performance, specifically with regards to flavor production, the coils need to be installed and positioned perfectly centered in front of the positive post. This cannot be accomplished with straight coil leads.

In the photo below you will see two coils with two right angles bent into each lead (27gauge/10 wraps/2.5mm rod/1.1ohms). This was actually a “rough draft” of sorts, as I continued to tweak the right angles in the leads until I got the positioning of the coil just right. For the record, the right angle in the positive lead shown in the photo is totally wrong. The positive lead should be bent downward and with the right angle causing the length of the face the positive post. To see a more masterful build demonstration you should check out [lightbox full=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA-_1ZtBOtQ” title=”MMV’s OverOne Video”]MMV OverOne youtube video[/lightbox].

Once I got the build done you can see that my coil is positioned directly in front of the positive post, it is not off to the side which is the result you will get if you install the coils with straight leads. Before wicking the coils, I first checked the coils position in relation to the air hole. You want to make sure that your coil is dead center of the air hole, and slightly elevated in front of the air hole so that some air can pass underneath the coil which will also enhance flavor. You also want to make sure that there is an equal amount of space on either side of the coil which will later be filled in by your wick.

When wicking the coil you want to keep full wick shoulders on either side of the coil so that there is no open space on the sides of the coil to pass through as air is drawn into the chamber. You want the air flow to hit smack on both the coil and wick. However, you also want to make sure that you do not pack your wick to high up under the coil. There should be some space beneath the coil so that some air can pass under the coil, which again is for good flavor production.

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To give the OverOne its first go I loaded this baby up with some Potion XXIV Geisha, and my oh my was this a good vape! It was in fact a little too good because I had a nic headache within three toots, lol. I found the flavor to be very good, honestly better than I had expected. I was definitely tasting more of the different notes in this particular e-liquid that I normally vape in Tank atomizers.

To allow myself the full “cloud chaser” experience, I then loaded up the OverOne with a max VG e-liquid (Delish by Dr. Juice) and paired it up with the Nanos mod also by MMV. You can definitely fog up a room without much effort with the OverOne. After having a little fun getting my cloud on, I adjusted the air flow to approximately a less more than half closed, which is how I would normally run this dripper. Even with the air flow more than half closed the air flow still feels very full to me, with ample vapor production to match.

Another positive is definitely the very deep juice wells which can hold a lot e-liquid without leaking. I only have to re-drip about every 10-15 draws with the way that I vape.

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What I also like a lot about the OverOne is its functional and aesthetic compatibility with other devices. I enjoy the OverOne with regulated devices, as much as I do with a mechanical mod. The simple, yet elegant aesthetic plays very well to both rugged and refined APV styles. While I had initially intended to keep the OverOne paired the Poldiac also by MMV however, the OverOne paired up with the Nanos Thorin is just a perfectly functional, sleek and sexy combination.

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While the OverOne RDA is simple in its aesthetic, it is not your run of the mill rebuildable dripping atomizer. The OverOne is set apart from most RDAs by its enormous air flow capacity but also its style of air flow control which is very effective. Having air flow that you can completely shut off, essentially sealing the inner chamber, makes this perhaps the most pocketable RDAs available at the moment. There is nothing in the build quality of this atomizer that I can find any fault with.

If there is any slight at all that I could give to the OverOne RDA, it would have to be its lack of single coil compatibility, even as this atomizer was intentionally designed for dual and quad coil configurations. I would love to see MMV come out with a single coil version of this atomizer, the “OnlyOne” or “Uno” RDA, which keeps the same air flow capacity and AFC design. Or perhaps offering a compatible after market body sleeve with only one air hole and built in chamber reducer? There are a lot of vapers who prefer single coils, but who would also appreciate this AFC style.

For me, it is an honor to review any device made by Metal Madness Vapors because of their long-standing presence in this community, as well the genuine innovation, craftsmanship and playful enthusiasm brought to their designs. We are currently in market where there are so many fly by night, wannabe “high end modders” making basic battery tubes with tacky or eccentric logos and high price tags who seem more motivated by the hopes of becoming overnight sensations within the vape community, rather than becoming true innovators in this industry. However, Metal Madness Vapors is not that kind of modder.

Metal Madness Vapor has been an innovative, and trail blazing contributor to this industry and community since 2011. MMV products such as the DID Genesis atomizer and the Poldiac mechanical mod have become iconic in my opinion, pieces that I am sure will continue to be remembered and talked about for years to come. The OverOne RDA is part of the next generation of MMVapor products, and it is one that is very easy to recommend.

Overone final photo

4 thoughts on “OverOne RDA Review”

  1. Awesome review,Nicole! I really enjoyed reading about this especially considering not so many people have reviewed this RDA. Have you thought about reviewing the Poldiac you also own?
    I’m in the market for High-end mech with a side firing button (18650 size) and would really appreciate the info! Right now I’m thinking either a Poldiac, a Atimzo Lab, Atmistique Atermon or an Atmomixani 69. It’s something I’ve wanted a long time and its kinda going to be a present for myself for my 1 year vape anniversary and off no smoking,which is coming in a month!

    1. Hello dear and thank you so much! I am really glad that you enjoyed this review. Yes, I have been thinking about reviewing the Poldiac also since I just recently received, I actually received it the day before the OverOne RDA. The Poldiac is a true innovative and classic mechanical mod, one of the best ever made. Its like owning a piece of vape history you know. I would definitely like to review more MMV products since I am a fan of their work and their company.

      Like you, I have been a fan of the Poldiac for a very long time, about two years before I actually got one. So it was like a vape dream come true for me. And I co-sign your choice to treat yourself to a higher end mod for your 1 year vape anniversary too!

  2. Nicole,

    Thanks for another highly detailed and well written review.
    Having been a user of the OverOne since it was first released I agree with everything you stated about this RDA. I use my OverOne daily and when I mix up a new juice that I want to try, it always goes into the OverOne first. As you stated, this RDA gives not only the clouds, but also the flavor.

    The airflow control is such a brilliant design because when you adjust the airflow lower, you only change the height of the slot and not the length. This always leaves airflow on the entire coil and lead in wick.

    I will be ordering two more OverOnes this week to use along side my current one. I don’t think there is a RDA on the market that compares to the OverOne. I recommend it to everyone.

    Your pictures are stunning and show this devise in such detail.

    Thanks again,


    1. Hey Billy! Well thank you also for putting the OverOne on my radar. It was your high praise of the RDA that sparked my interest in it. It is sitting right next to me on the Nanos as I type this reply. I would also like to eventually get another in Polished too. Thank you for your comments dear, and for all your valuable knowledge regarding MMV products too!

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