Fumytech Crystal Ball RDTA Review

Fumytech crystal ball rdta review

Fumytech crystal ball rdta review

Fumytech Crystal Ball RDTA Review

Fumytech are well known for their ‘stand out from the crowd’ mods and atomizers. One of their most recent offerings comes in the form of the Crystal Ball RDTA – a very unique looking tank that also functions as an RDA. In this particular line of atomizers you can also get Dragon Ball and Earth Ball versions. I’d like to thank GearBest for sending this for the purposes of this article in which we will weigh up the Pros and Cons of the Crystal Ball RDTA. After also looking at how it performs, I will let you know if it something I would recommend for you.

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Click Here to Check out the Fumytech Crystal Ball RDTA!


What’s in the box

  • Crystal Ball RDTA
  • Spare Glass
  • Spare O-Rings
  • Four Spare Grub Screws
  • Allen Key
  • Four Ni80 Staple Coils
  • Japanese Organic Cotton


Out of the box

The Crystal Ball comes in a relatively large box for an RDTA. The box is predominantly black with product placement on the front and some graphics which look very Harry Potter like (think magic spells, whirlpools and lightning). Inside we find the tank itself, next to a spare glass section and a bag of spares. Rather than include an instruction manual, the information is printed inside the top cover of the box itself. The foam inserts keep the tank and spare glass nice and snug, so there is no chance of it getting damaged in transit.

On first inspection of the tank, it is definitely unlike any atty I have seen before. It’s totally spherical apart from a 24mm base and a drip tip on top. The widest part of the dome is 34mm, so it is not a subtle design process by any stretch of the imagination. Starting from the bottom we have a gold plated 510 pin and a wide, adjustable dual airflow. Above this sits the black tinted Pyrex glass reservoir, which is held in place by a hieroglyphic adorned top cap.

The top cap is made up of two sections, one that screws out of the frame, by using the drip tip to unscrew it, to expose the fill ports. The drip tip has two small tabs on the bottom of it to catch the top cap and wind it off or on. The Crystal Ball breaks down into six pieces for ease of cleaning and building your coils. Inside the chamber section, we find a velocity styled deck with hex grub screws that take an Allen key.

Fumytech crystal ball rdta review

Overall build quality is seamless, with no sharp threads and no loose connections. The stainless steel chassis is solid and well manufactured, it doesn’t feel cheap or flimsy at all. I didn’t detect any machine oil on close inspection, however I did give it the obligatory bath before building up the deck. It seems some versions come with a replaceable squonk-ready 510 pin, however I could not find this in the box I received.



The build deck is fully exposed when broken down, so there is nothing getting in the way when installing your coils. You can tweak them as much as you like with ease. This makes installation a very simple and straight forward task on the velocity style deck – nothing new here.

You do need to be wary of the chamber surrounding the coils, as you do not want them touching each other and making a short. The included Ni80 staple coils are a cinch to work with as they are quite pliable and easily molded to your desired layout. The post holes are quite accommodating, meaning that you can run some large diameter wire in there if you so desire.

Wicking the Crystal Ball is also very straight forward, just leave enough wick to touch the bottom of the deck on both sides and your set. Remember to fluff the ends of your wick before folding them down into their respective positions either side of the air entry ports. To ensure that the tank does not leak, make sure you cover the four juice entry holes with at least some of your wick.

Filling the reservoir is fairly straight forward once you figure out how to get to the fill ports. The easiest way is to turn the drip tip anti-clockwise and the top ring will start unscrewing. Once fully unscrewed it will come off and expose the fill ports. The fill ports are quite large, however they are quite thin.

You aren’t able to get any type of needle nose bottle top down there, no matter how hard you try. So it’s very much a drip onto the port type arrangement which works fine. I have to mention that due to the tinted glass tank, it is very hard to see just how much e-liquid you are putting in. This also comes into play when you are vaping and need to see how much juice you have left in reserve. Although the tinted glass looks great, I do have to add this as a Con due to not being able to easily view the level of juice inside.

The Crystal Ball features a juice flow control. By turning just the tank itself it opens or closes off, you will note that there are 4 slots that juice can enter the reservoir from. What’s the point of having an adjustable juice flow port on an RDTA you say? Well, this RDTA can also function as an RDA.

Fumytech crystal ball rdta review

By shutting off the juice flow control, you are then able to drip down the neck of the tank, straight onto the coils and your wick. For me personally, I’d just opt for a straight up RDA that is more compact and dedicated to dripping. Anyway, the option is there on the Crystal Ball if you need it. Just don’t forget to open the juice control back up when you intend on running it as a tank again please!

The airflow is very easy to maneuver to your desired position. It is not free flowing, so it will stop turning at either fully open or fully closed. There are two wide cyclops shaped air holes on either side and these are mirrored the same when adjusted.

There is plenty of airflow here for both direct lung hitters and to cool off those exotic coil builds. Although it could be possible, I wouldn’t recommend this tank for mouth to lung style vaping. Firstly due to being a dual coil setup, with no option for single coil. And secondly, the airflow is just too breezy for a mouth to lung hit – even when closed off most of the way.

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Click Here to Check out the Fumytech Crystal Ball RDTA!



  • Diameter: 34mm (globe)/ 24mm (Base)
  • Height: 44.5mm
  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • Pyrex Tube
  • POM
  • Capacity: 5ml



The pre-built dual N80 staple Clapton build came in at 0.25 ohms. Starting with the airflow wide open, I ramped this puppy up at around 50 watts and I was instantly surprised with the flavor and vapor put out at this level of wattage. I slowly climbed in wattage until I found my sweet spot at 80 watts. The flavor and vapor production was outstanding all the way up to 80 watts. I tried backing off the airflow a little, however this didn’t really have much effect on either taste or vapor production, so I opted to keep it wide open as I like a fairly cool vape.

I’m sure that this build and the tank could handle even going up to 100 watts or maybe more; however as I said I prefer a cool vape and I was more than impressed with the flavor concentration and amount of vapor at this wattage. I can say that there isn’t any difference in performance in RDA mode. To close off the juice control and then drip directly onto the coils/wicks yields the exact same net result as using it in tank mode.

I found that the Crystal Ball held up fine in terms of wicking. I didn’t get any dry hits throughout my testing and I still haven’t to this day. Just remember that the black glass is hard to see your juice level, so if you are in doubt, either take it and put it in front of a light or just fill it up to be on the safe side. The Dragon Ball and Earth Ball seem to be easier to gauge where your juice is up to due to having more transparent glass.

Fumytech crystal ball rdta review

I also found that the Crystal Ball made perfect fitment with all the mods I tried it with. It also looked good on everything I installed it on. This can be a very subjective matter, due to the size, shape and general appearance of this bulb styled tank – however I like it. I didn’t experience any ohm jumping or irregular connection activities while using the tank, so all good in that department.

I will say that it does take some getting used to in your pocket though. Obviously I am used to a more standard cylindrical style tank sitting in my pocket on top of my mod, however due to the shape of the Crystal Ball, it will seem like it’s bulging out a little – something I got used to quite quickly.



  • Sold flavor and vapor production
  • No dry hits
  • Usability as an RDA or RDTA



  • Hard to see the juice level


Wrap Up

Despite the fact that some people would clearly think that the Fumytech Crystal Ball looks gimmicky or ugly, I think it looks cool. Setting aside looks and appearance, the tank performs exceptionally well and is very forgiving on building and wicking. The flavor and vapor it produces is on par with some of the more expensive RDTA’s on the market. For a beginner or intermediate vaper, I would have no hesitation in recommending the Crystal Ball RDTA.

The price point is right too, so I think it is of excellent value for money in terms of the performance you glean from it. If the Crystal Ball sounds like something of interest to you, go ahead and pick one up today – you won’t be disappointed! I hope this has helped you with your quest for your next atomizer. What are your thoughts? Make sure to let us know down below, we love hearing from you.

[button color=”red” size=”big” link=”https://vapingcheap.com/likes/Gearbest/Fumytech-Crystal-Ball-RDTA-Review” ]Purchase Here! [/button]

Click Here to Check out the Fumytech Crystal Ball RDTA!

1 thought on “Fumytech Crystal Ball RDTA Review”

  1. pvssydstryr

    is the pin removable? i could probably find a squonk pin for it. just gotta look hard enough. i want to use it on my cov wraith but the dragonball one

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