Tobeco Kayfun V4 Clone Review

Tobeco kayfun v4 review


As the war of the Kayfun V4 clones rages on, I have finally arrived at the Tobeco Kayfun V4 clone. The Tobeco Kayfun V4 clone happens to be not only one of the most sought after KF4 clones at the moment, but also the most reasonably priced ranging from $19.99-$29.99 at various US based online retailers. The appeal of the Tobeco Kayfun V4 extends beyond its price point as it has quickly gained the reputation as one of the best clones available.

The Tobeco Kayfun V4 clone featured in this review was provided by Artemus custom mod creations for the purpose of this product review. The Tobeco Kayfun V4 is packaged in a beige and gold branded gift box and it includes the Kayfun V4 atomizer, glass tank section, PMMA M-Tank, and a spare silver plated copper spring. The Tobeco Kayfun V4 retails for $19.99 at *Please note that due to a high number of complaints from customers who have ordered from custom mod creations, yet have not received their item as paid for I do not recommend purchasing from this vendor.*

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Where to Buy a Tobeco Kayfun V4 Clone:


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    • Brand: Tobeco
    • Type: rebuildable tank atomizer
    • Material: 304 grade stainless steel
    • Connection threading: 510 (silver plated adjustable)
    • E-liquid Capacity: 4.5ml
    • Diameter: 22mm (at base connection)
    • Height: 78mm
    • Weight: 90 grams


  • Top fill capacity
  • Juice flow control (on/off)
  • Adjustable air flow
  • Adjustable 510 pin
  • Removable 510 drip tip
  • Glass and PMMA tanks


The one thing that I have come to realize about the plethora of Kayfun V4 clones is that you are not going to be able to tell which is the best clone by simply looking at them. At first glance they all look basically the same, with very small aesthetic variances between them. Out of the box the Tobeco Kayfun V4 clone is no different, It simply looks like yet another Kayfun V4 clone.

While the Tobeco KF4 has a brushed finished, the texture and feel of the stainless steel is noticeably smoother than the Robbot Tech Kayfun V4 clone that I previously reviewed. As I broke down the atomizer and inspected all of the parts I found the threading to be really clean and smooth. I also noticed the smell of machine oil wasn’t quite as heavy as the other Kayfun V4 clone that I received before it.

The Tobeco Kayfun V4 clone comes with a frosted PMMA M-tank as opposed to the clear acrylic M-tank included with most others KF4 clones. While I have heard that many users prefer the clear acrylic tank over the frosted PMMA, I really don’t mind it at all. The Tobeco Kayfun V4 actually arrived with the stainless steel tank installed however, I installed the glass tank upon receipt just to make sure it fit properly before I began to use it.

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After breaking down the Tobeco KF4 (pictured left) and comparing the parts with the Robbot Tech Kayfun V4 (pictured right), the differences between them start to become apparent. You can see and feel the textural difference of the metals surface finish, in which the Tobeco KF4 is much smoother to the touch. The SvoeMesto logo and the line engraving on the stainless steel tank section are darker and deeper on the Tobeco Kayfun V4. The edges of the glass tank section of the Tobeco KF4 have been flame polished, so it doesn’t have the blunt cut edge like the Robbot Tech version. However, the Tobeco glass tank is also thinner than the Robbot Tech version.

If you look closely at the chimney bell on the Tobeco clone you can see that the juice holes on the top and bottom are slightly wider than the Robbot Tech version, and I do believe that this difference translates into the overall performance of the atomizer. The bore of the drip tip hole on the Tobeco version is also wider.

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The size and shape of the catch screws on the build deck of the Tobeco Kayfun V4 (pictured left) are more like those found on the authentic KF4. The Tobeco clone also has the insulator lip between the positive and negative block, and it is supposed to help prevent your device from shorting out in the event that the positive blocks shifts while in use. One night and day difference between the Tobeco and Robbot clones is that the Tobeco’s juice control is much easier to move, and I appreciate that so much.

The air holes around the UC connector are larger on the Robbot Tech Kayfun V4 clone (pictured right), as well as the center air flow hole on the deck. There is also a difference between the milling of the juice holes on the deck. The Tobeco clone’s juice holes are drilled straight through the deck, and are larger in diameter. The Robbot Tech version has countersunk juice holes with a smaller opening at the base. The difference in how these juice holes have been drilled also have an effect on performance which I will elaborate on later.

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As I compare the base/UC connector (Universal connector) of the Tobeco and Robbot KF4 to try to understand why the Tobeco clone moves so smoothly, and the Robbot not so much, it appears to be the difference of machined tolerances of the UC middle and upper sections. From what I can see the bottom of Tobeco’s part #8 UC upper section is more rounded around the perimeter than the Robbot Version is. I have been advised that part #9 UC counter screw can also cause the JC to become stiff if it is not screwed in all the way however, part#9 is screwed in flush on both the Tobeco and Robbot KF4 clones that I have.

The smoothness of the juice control on the Tobeco clone has positively affected my opinion and experience with this clone. One other difference between the Tobeco and Robbot clones is the spring which is held between the UC middle and upper section. The Tobeco clone uses a silver plated copper spring, and the Robbot clone has a stainless steel spring. While the Robbot clone’s spring fits more snuggly in place than the Tobeco clone, neither clone has an issue with fluctuating atomizer resistances, both have been very stable in this department.

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The 510 threading on the on the Tobeco Kayfun V4 is longer than the Robbot clone, and so the 510 pin itself protrudes less than the Robbot clone does, which can be a good thing. Like the spring in the UC connector, the Tobeco 510 pin is also silver plated copper vs the stainless steel 510 pin of the Robbot Tech Kayfun V4. Both 510 pins fit properly in their respective devices and I have not had any issues with loose, or stuck 510 pins.

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I built the Tobeco Kayfun V4 using my new coil master and some 27 gauge Kanthal with a 8/9 wrap on the 2.5mm coiling rod, which metered out to a 1.4 ohm result. While building on the KF4 deck is the basically the same as every other Kayfun variation, the thick, and chunky catch screws on the Tobeco clone does make catching thicker gauge wire easier. Like most other rebuildable atomizers, proper wicking is absolutely necessary, and can make or break your build and vape experience.

You may find it easier to wick, and trim your wicks prior to installing the deck the sleeve so that you trim the wick to the proper length. With the old version of the Kayfun atomizer I used to install my deck sleeve first, then trim the wicks to down to the top of the sleeve opening. This method does not work as well with the new deck sleeve since it is much shorter. It is important that your wick is long enough to make full contact with the deck and juice holes which will prevent dry hits. If there is even the slightest amount of space between the juice holes and the bottom of your wick you will see some dry hits.

When it comes to filling your Kayfun V4 with e-liquid you have two options, you can either top fill by using the juice flow control, or you can bottom fill through the chimney bell’s juice holes with a syringe or narrow needle tip bottle. What has initially confused some users is where to hold and adjust the juice flow control. To turn the juice flow on and off you should hold the KF4 at part #5 UC middle section with one hand, and turn part #3 UC bottom section with 510 connector with the other. The juice flow control is turned counter clockwise to shut juice flow off for top filling, and clockwise to turn juice flow on. The JC should not be turned on until after you have filled your tank and installed the drip tip connector.

It is my opinion that the straight drilling of the juice holes on the deck of the Tobeco clone makes for slightly better wicking and a juicer vape than the countersunk juice holes on the deck of the Robbot Tech clone. I also did not experience the slightly muted flavor that I initially had with the Robbot Tech clone. Being that I took most of my newbie lumps with the Robbot Tech clone, by the time that I received the Tobeco KF4 everything was smooth sailing, and a problem free experience. As I have said in the Robbot Tech clone review, there is a learning curve with the redesigned Kayfun V4.

Everything about my vape experience with the Tobeco Kayfun V4 has been flawless. I already knew where I liked my air flow, how my coils should be wicked, and how to properly use the juice flow controller by the time I received the Tobeco clone. I have not had any kind of issue while using the Tobeco clone, not leaking, dry hits, faulty parts, or fluctuations of the atomizer resistance. The only aspect of the new Kayfun V4 design that I am still not a fan of is how involved changing between tank is.

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Like most other vape related devices, its seems the key to having a great experience with the Kayfun V4 is to not receive one with faults or defects. When there is a defect or missing part present on the Kayfun V4, here is where the multi part engineering of this device becomes a real pain in the butt. Once you get a handle on how this atomizer is engineered and is supposed to work, it is easy to use.

If there is anything that I think Tobeco should change about their Kayfun V4 clone going forward, it would be to add a spare parts package to it. All rebuildable atomizers should include a spare parts package, most especially one that is engineered the way that the Kayfun V4 is. The possibility of having your atomizer become unusable because an o ring broke is a con.

While I have read one or two reports of a QC defect or issue with the Tobeco Kayfun V4 clone, by and large it is considered to be one of the best KF4 clones available at the moment amongst users, and rightfully so. The atomizer that I have received and reviewed is of very good quality and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for a good Kayfun V4 clone.

Final pic


  • ​Good quality materials and machining
  • check
  • check
    Flame polished glass tank
  • check
    Spare silver plated copper spring


  • ​No spare o rings or screws included

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Where to Buy a Tobeco Kayfun V4 Clone


16 thoughts on “Tobeco Kayfun V4 Clone Review”

  1. Excellent review…Thank you Nicole. My Tobeco KF4 should be in vapemail tomorrow…after reading this, I’m more excited to get it.

    1. Awesome Spike64, I hope yours shows up without any issue. Hopefully you can just wash it, build it, set your air flow adjustment and go!

    1. Sorry, not sure if other generic 4S-kits will work with the Tobeco. Tobeco actually produces their own 4S-kit for their Kayfun clone which is sold after market.

  2. Another Nice Review Nicole.

    I couldn’t agree with you more about the Tobecco V4. It is certainly better than the one I have from LeMaga. I also bought mine from Custom Mod Creation and it has been working great! Keep up the great reviews and Thanks for all your hard work reviewing stuff for us!

    1. Thank you so much for you encouraging comments, I appreciate them. I am also glad that the Tobeco Kayfun V4 is a win for you. :)

    1. I have spoken directly to Tobeco about it, and they say that its a PEEK insulator intended for sub ohm builds.

  3. I just saw this review, I see the differences between the two KFv4 clones are small but big in the same. I received the Tobeco a few weeks ago and am happy with it. I also received the Robottech over a month ago and have problems with the glass tank section leaking. Both preform well but I would give the edge to the Tobeco version. Nicole you do a fantastic job reviewing, Thanks. Tam

    1. Hi Tam :) I would have to agree, while the Robbot Tech version costs more, it is not the better Kayfun 4 clone. I was a bit disappointed in it, as I am sure you remember how excited I was when I found out they were cloning it. I have two Tobeco Kayfun 4 clones and both are perfect and perform flawlessly, so its Tobeco for win! Its also proof yet again that more does not always been better. Thanks for your comments hun.

  4. I watched a review that showed the Tobeco version having a gap between parts 3 and 5 when the liquid control was either closed down or opened up (don’t remember which). Have you seen this? I have one from Cigabuy that is decent but I’m looking at picking up one or two of the Tobecos and I think the reviewer just didn’t know how to put it together properly but figured I’d ask if you’ve seen this.

    1. Hi Bill .. There is about a 1mm gap when the juice control is closed off, but not when it is open. This gap is normal when shut off.

  5. I strongly recommend you take a look at the Facebook page for Artemus Custom Mod Creation before placing your order there. I ordered this clone there based on this review. They charged my card and never sent the tank. That seems to be the experience a lot of people have had.

    1. I agree with you Mike .. I have since heard several complaints from different people and I have made the owner of Vaping Cheap aware of this issue. This was the first and only review I have ever done for Artemus/custom mod creations, and it is also the last.

  6. I agree with everything you said here. I have 2 Tobeco KF4’s. One Silver and one in Black. They look and vape just as good as an authentic if not better.

    1. So true Rick .. I still use my Tobeco KF4 and it has not given me a single days trouble, it performs flawlessly for me. Enjoy!

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