Wismec Reuleaux RX300 Review

Wismec reuleaux rx300 review

Wismec reuleaux rx300 review

Wismec Reuleaux RX300 Review

The Wismec Reuleaux series is one of the most popular box mods on the market today. These box mods offer the user tons of power, battery life and best of all, they’re extremely affordable. It was only a matter of time before they released something bigger and more powerful, especially seeing the new trend of quad 18650 box mods. Wismec and Jay Bo has done it yet again, and released the newest addition to the Reuleaux series, the Wismec Reuleaux RX300.

Before getting any further I would like to thank Heaven Gifts for sending this device my way for the purposes of this review. I will go over my first impressions, experiences using it over time, performance, pros and cons, and conclude with whether or not I recommend the Wismec Reuleaux RX300!

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Out of the box

Upon receiving the Wismec Reuleaux RX300, what I noticed first was the relatively similar packaging to the other Reuleaux packaging. The packaging does show exactly what is inside of the box. The packaging itself isn’t too large, which was quite surprising, because I did expect it to be rather large due to the fact that the RX300 requires 4 high drain 18650 batteries.

Sliding open the packaging, you are greeted with the Wismec Reuleaux RX300, and my first impressions was that this device is huge. I was really surprised by how large it was when I first held the device, this was easily one of the biggest box mods I have in my arsenal of vape gear. However, the RX300 is quite light without any batteries, which was also surprising, but I knew once I put 4 batteries inside, it will become much heavier.

The overall build quality of the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 was top notch. I did like the silver color that I received, and the black stickers on the side surely complimented the design. There are a few different colors available, including the carbon fiber colors which look amazing in my opinion, but do cost a bit more.

Included with this device you do receive a micro USB cable, 2 additional stickers, a user manual, and a warning card. I do like the addition of the warning card, as this means they do care about safety, which is a huge pro in my book.

The overall design is a bit similar to the original Reuleaux box mods, but this newer version is quite different since it does hold an additional battery. I do wish the design was a bit more curved or had the same type of body design as the other Reuleaux box mods, as the way it is right now just makes it feel massive in the hands. It was comfortable to hold, but I think it could have been more comfortable if they went with a slightly different design.

Wismec reuleaux rx300 review

However, I do think the mod does look great. The 510 connection seems to be different in comparison to older Reuleaux devices. I know this was a big issue for a lot of vapers who owned the previous box mods, so this is something I will get into later in the review. Also, due to where the 510 connection is placed, I already knew 30mm atomizers would overhang. I do wish they moved the 510 connection closer to the center to avoid this. This is not the biggest issue, but still something worth mentioning.

How you insert the batteries in the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is much different in comparison to previous Reuleaux devices as well. Since the battery door is on a hinge, and seems to be spring loaded, it’s much easier to install your batteries. Also, in my opinion there is no way you would rip your battery wraps with this style of battery door, which is a huge pro.

This device also shares the same large screen as the RX200S, which is another huge pro. I know many vapers loved the screen since it was large, and easy to see. The micro USB port can also be found on the front of the device, which can be used for charging or firmware upgrading.

All in all, my first impressions of the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 were positive! There were minor issues to point out such as the location of the 510 connection, but nothing that turned me off from this device.



As mentioned previously, the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is a rather large box mod, and even after using it for some time now, I still am surprised by how massive it feels when you’re actually holding it. It is to be expected since it does hold four high drain 18650 batteries. Speaking about batteries, once you have 4 of them installed, the weight of this box mod substantially increases. It’s not overbearingly heavy by any means, but it is heavier than a lot of my devices that I own.

With that being said, the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is not a device I would take outside with me. This device is definitely a “desk mod”, and stays home. When this box mod is in my pocket, I certainly feel the weight of it, and it’s just uncomfortable. It’s simply just too big in my opinion to bring it out with you. However, if I do feel like I need the extra power and battery life, then I would consider bringing this device.

I did have to get used to holding the Wismec Reuleaux RX300. After some time, I did get used to it, and the size didn’t bother me too much. It still feels quite large up to this day, and I do think people with smaller hands will probably not find this device comfortable to use.

Speaking about battery life, I can easily get through at least two days worth of vaping with this device when vaping between 60w and 90w. If I’m switching devices throughout the day, then I could get even more battery life out of it. Honestly, the battery life on this box mod is fantastic, and is to be expected since it does have 4 high drain 18650 batteries. The two days worth of battery life was with using this device with four Sony VTC4 18650 batteries. So I do think if you’re using a higher capacity battery such as the LG HG2 or Sony VTC6, you can easily get more battery life, and possibly even get three days worth of vaping time.

Also, as mentioned previously getting the batteries in and out is extremely easy. I had no issues whatsoever with this device ripping or damaging battery wraps. I do like the design of this battery compartment much more than the original Reuleaux devices. Once you have 4 batteries installed, the battery door clicks into place, and is firmly in place. There’s a latch on the battery door which you can utilize when you want to take out your batteries. Overall, I have not experienced any issues with this battery door, which is a huge pro.

Wismec reuleaux rx300 review

30mm atomizers do have a slight overhang, but honestly it’s not too bad. I was expecting it to be much worse than it actually is, so I was happy in regards to how 30mm atomizers looked on this device. I do wish the 510 connection was more towards the center so 30mm atomizers could sit flush with no overhang. Also, the 510 connection seems to be improved over the previous Reuleaux devices. Most of my atomizers sat flush with no gap. However, atomizers with really long 510 pins such as the Kennedy 24 RDA did have a slight gap, but they did make a connection and worked just fine. Not the biggest con, but still something worth mentioning.

The display screen is relatively the same as the RX200S, but the layout is quite different. I do like the look of this layout more than the previous version. Even though it looks different, it works basically the same. With three clicks, you can navigate into your different temperature control modes, and so on and so forth.

If you’re used to the RX200S, then you’ll have no issues with navigating through this menu system. Pressing the fire button, and the wattage up button at the same time will get you into the custom logo, Preheat function and USB charge. You can get into stealth mode by pressing the fire button and wattage down button at the same time, and you can access your TCR settings by pressing the fire button and wattage up button when the device is off. I do feel that beginners or vapers new to this board will not have no issues with it, it really is quite simple.

All in all, my experiences using this device was great. It’s extremely easy to use, and accessing your batteries is quick and easy, which is a huge pro in my book!

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Click Here to Check out the Wismec Reuleaux RX300!
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Since this device requires 4 high drain 18650 batteries, you can expect it to have a high maximum wattage output, and it certainly does! The maximum wattage output of the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is 300w! Honestly, this is way more than enough power for majority of vapers. As a vaper who primarily vapes under 100w, I was much more concerned with battery life, and in that regards this device certainly performed well as mentioned in the previous section.

I do not have the tools to test if this device can actually reach 300w, but when I did vape it at 200w, it definitely felt like it. The RX300 does have a preheat function, which is a huge pro, especially if you’re a vaper who likes Claptons and other exotic builds that have a ramp up time. I found the preheat function to be extremely useful, and used it quite often since I love Clapton builds. You can easily adjust the preheat function, and you can set the exact wattage you prefer.

The Wismec Reuleaux RX300 does feature temperature control for Ni200, Ti and SS. It also features a TCR mode, which is another huge pro. I did not test temperature control for Ni200 or Ti as I do not vape those wire types anymore, but I did test it in stainless steel temperature control mode, and it worked great! I did prefer to use the TCR mode for SS 316L, as it performed better in my opinion. The temperature control vape experience is great on the Wismec boards, and they just seem to just get better as time goes on.

Wismec reuleaux rx300 review

The power delivery was excellent with this device as well. As soon as you hit the fire button it delivers the set wattage with no issues. There are no delays, which is yet again another huge pro to be mentioned. Also, the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is firmware upgradeable, so you’ll always be up to date with this device!

All in all, the performance of the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 was fantastic! There were no delays, and the temperature control worked flawlessly.



  • Excellent build quality
  • Amazing battery life
  • Maximum wattage output of 300w
  • Great temperature control vape experience
  • Firmware upgradeable
  • No delays when hitting the fire button
  • Preheat function
  • Easy to access your batteries


  • Massive size
  • Heavy with four 18650 batteries installed
  • 30mm atomizers do have an overhang
  • Atomizers with protruding 510 pins do have a slight gap



In conclusion, the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is a great addition to the Reuleaux series. This device offers plenty of power, excellent battery life, tons of features and just looks great in my opinion.

There were a few cons to be mentioned, and some may be subjective such as its massive size and heavy weight. Also, even though 30mm atomizers do have a slight overhang, it’s not terrible by any means. I do think the 510 connection is better than the previous Reuleaux devices, since most of my atomizers sit flush with no gap.

Those vapers who are looking for tons of power will absolutely love this box mod, since it does deliver in regards to raw performance. I had no complaints whatsoever with the performance of this device, as it simply just performs great in every aspect, whether it’d be temperature control mode or wattage mode.

Wismec reuleaux rx300 review

All in all, the Wismec Reuleaux RX300 is a great device, and will cater to the vapers looking for tons of power and battery life. If that’s something you’re looking for, then this is a box mod I can easily recommend to you!

I hope you find this review helpful in finding the right device to fit all of your vaping needs! Feel free to leave any questions or comments down below! Thanks for reading!

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Click Here to Check out the Wismec Reuleaux RX300!
Use Coupon Code ACHEAP15 for 15% Off!


Product Features:

  • Requires 4 High Drain 18650 Batteries (Not Included)
  • Maximum Wattage Output: 300w
  • Temperature Control (Ni200, Ti, SS)
  • TCR Mode (3 Memory)
  • Preheat Function
  • Minimum Firing Resistance: 0.05 ohm (TC), 0.1 ohm (VW)
  • Firmware Upgradeable
  • Spring Loaded 510 Connection
  • Maximum Current Output: 50A
  • Custom Logo
  • Large 0.96 Inch OLED Display Screen
  • Zinc Alloy Base Chassis
  • 1.5A Avatar Quick Charge Compatible
  • Reverse Charging Adapter Compatible (Not Included)
  • Includes Micro USB Cable

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