Disposable Vape

Digital box 12000 review main image

Fumot Digital Box 12000 Review: Is it Worth Buying?

The Fumot Digital Box 12000 is a new disposable vape designed and manufactured by Fumot Tech, a company specializing in disposable vapes. The Digital Box 12000 stands out from the crowd with its impressive 12000 puffs count and a sleek LED display, showcasing both an eJuice level Indicator and % Battery power. The LED eJuice […]

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Ebdesign (elf bar) disposable review vaping

Review of EBDesigns (ELF Bar) BC5000 Disposable Vape

The ELF Bar BC5000, now known as EBDesigns BC5000 due to this lawsuit which ended in a settlement, was a highly popular disposable vape that sparked the trend for disposable vapes. Its low cost and wide availability make it a popular choice for those seeking a grab-n-go vape. The diverse range of complex and tasty

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