Taifun GT II Clone Review

Taifun gt ii clone review

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The Taifun GT II is a bottom coil rebuildable atomizer which the 2nd version of the Taifun GT, both of which are distributed by Smokerstore.de in Germany. While it is clear that the Taifun GT/II is an atomizer designed and made in Germany, there is very little information available regarding who that designer/s is. Even though the authentic Taifun package bears a logo which indicates a registered trademark, my trademark search revealed that the Taifun does not have a registered trademark in the United States yet.

The only US registered trademark that exists for the name Taifun, was filed in 1998 and belongs to an electric hand held hair dryer. However, there is a pending US trademark application filed by Jaroslaw Dobras, who is most likely belongs to the creator of the Taifun GT/GT II atomizer.

The Taifun GT II clone featured in this review is made by Limwell Industrial and claims to be a 1:1 replica of the authentic Taifun GT II. The Taifun GT II clone is packaged in a tin, foam lined gift box, and it contains a the cloned atomizer and a small spare parts package. This clone retails for $29.90usd.

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Where to Buy a Taifun GT 2 RBA:


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  • Brand: Limwell Industrial
  • Type: bottom coil rebuildable atomizer
  • Material: stainless steel and frosted pyrex glass
  • Connection threading: 510
  • E-liquid capacity: 5ml
  • Diameter: 23mm
  • Height: 80mm
  • Weight: 96grams


    • Removable 510 drip tip
    • Adjustable 510 connection
    • Adjustable AFC ring
    • Removable frosted pyrex tank


The original Taifun GT used to be one of my favorite rebuildable atomizers, so I was really looking forward to seeing if the new upgraded Taifun GT II would be able to spark that flame for me. Like the new Kayfun V4 and Russian 2.0, the Taifun GT II brings with it a few new features including an updated aesthetic.

The GT II now features a frosted pyrex glass tank that is protected behind a stainless steel tank shield which kind of gives me a “Transformers” vibe. There is also a redesigned drip tip, and an air flow control ring with five 1mm air holes on two sides of the base has been added. When I first saw the new Taifun GT II my reaction to the new aesthetic was very “I dunno”. The new look has since grown on me, although I personally prefer more refined aesthetics.

The stainless steel tank of the Taifun GT II clone has a very definite brushed finish which I like, yet it is not at all the same finish as the authentic Taifun GT II which does not have a brushed pattern on the stainless steel. Limwell Industrial claims that there clone is a 1:1 replication however, as I move through review you will see that this is not exactly the case.

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The Taifun GT II clone breaks down into 7 basic parts which include the base/build deck, deck sleeve, chimney top, outer stainless steel tank, inner frosted pyrex tank, top cap, and drip tip. The build quality and machining of the Limwell GT II clone for the most part is very good however, I found the that the threads between the base and the stainless tank to be really tight. They are not crunchy, but there is a good amount of resistance when screwing the tank on and off the base. This is mostly likely intended to prevent accidental removal of the tank while unscrewing the atomizer from your mod.

The pyrex tank fits comfortably within the stainless steel outer tank, and it sits on an o-ring at the bottom of the SS tank. In the photo below you will notice an o ring positioned around the top thread of the top cap however, that o ring does go there. That o ring should be placed around the indentation below the last bottom thread of the top cap.

The parts package includes spare o rings, screws, and a small white plastic tube which can be used to restrict the air flow of the 4mm air hole at the center of the build deck.

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As far as the build deck itself, it is essentially the same as the first version of the Taifun GT. What is new is the 4mm raised air hole at the center of the build deck. Both the positive and negative posts are insulated, and I did not have any issues with either of the posts spinning as had occurred with some of the Taifun GT clones. The 510 pin of the Taifun GT II is still adjustable, and does have a small white o ring around it to keep the pin isolated.

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Like the first version of the Taifun, the GT II still has a retractable and removable deck sleeve, and threaded chimney top cap. The wick holes on either side of the deck appear to be the same width as the first Taifun GT. The deck sleeve is retracts down to enable the user to install their coils, and then it is pulled up once the coils are installed and wicked.

There is a catch groove on the inside of the deck sleeve which catches on the o ring installed around top of the build deck as seen in the prior photo collage. It is important that the user makes sure that the sleeve catches the decks o ring when being pulled up. If the deck sleeve is pulled up beyond the decks o ring or sitting too far below it, the atomizer chamber will flood and leak once the tank is filled with e-liquid.

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To better understand the differences between the new Taifun GT II and the first version GT, below you will find a photo comparison with a Hcigar Taifun GT which is a confirmed, true 1:1 replica of the authentic Taifun GT. The older Taifun GT has a stainless steel and acrylic tank, a different drip tip design, a single non-adjustable air hole at the base, and a taller chimney top cap without knurling.

Getting back to the Limwell’s “1:1” claims, the Hcigar Taifun’s tank does not thread onto the Taifun GT II clone, so this is another confirmation that the Limwell clone is not a 1:1 replica. The parts of the Hcigar GT clone is confirmed to be interchangeable with the authentic Taifun GT, and also has the identical knarled patterned accents as the authentic as well. Being that the Limwell clone parts do not fit the Hcigar GT clone, it simply cannot be a true 1:1 since both version of the authentic Taifun are interchangeable with one another.

The knarled patterned accents of the Limwell Taifun GT II clone also do not match that of the authentic Taifun GT II. Essentially none of this takes away from the overall build quality of the Limwell clone, I am simply pointing out how it is not a 1:1 replication.

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When I first started using the Taifun GT, I used to build it with a stainless steel rolled mesh wick and a 3mm silica top wick, and it was a very good build for the Taifun GT atomizer. Later on I started using 3mm XC-116 Readyxwick because I liked the flavor produced, and it took the guess work out of how much wick to use to prevent flooding or dry hits. I also like that XC-116 is not a disposable wick type, you dry burn it back to white and keep using. One piece of wick can literally last for months.

For this build I cut a piece Readyxwick long enough to extend 2-3mm beyond the wick slots on either side of the deck sleeve. Before I wrap the wick I flame torch it first to clean it, and also to stiffen it up a bit. Although not shown below, it is a good idea to thread a paper clip through the center of the Readyxwick wick prior to wrapping a coil on it. This will prevent you from wrapping the wick too tight, which can lead to the inability to chain vape due to slow wicking.

Using 28 gauge Kanthal I made a 5/6 wrap directly onto the piece of cut wick, which metered out to exactly 1.0 ohms. IMO, the Taifun GT/II is best between .7-1.5 ohms. It is also my opinion that Readyxwick performs the best above 1 ohms in a tank or Genesis style atomizer, results for dripping atomizers are different. I also feel that Readyxwick performs better with spaced coils, which also makes it easier to thoroughly dry burn and clean.

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The Taifun GT was one of the first rebuildable atomizers that allowed the user to be able to work on their build without dumping their e-liquid. The Taifun GT II is filled the same as the GT, turn the tank upside down and fill until the e-liquid reaches the top of the top cap center post. I have verified via syringe that the Taifun GT II holds exactly 5ml of e-liquid and not a drop more.

As far as flavor production is concerned, I find it the Taifun GT II to be identical to the original Taifun GT, no better and no worse. The most essential functional differences between the GT II and GT is air flow, as now there is potentially more of it. However, the five 1mm air holes on both sides of the AFC ring are not staggered like the authentic Taifun GT II, but I don’t really find that to be a negative really. It is just a difference to be aware of.

For me, the enhanced airflow doesn’t make as much as a difference as it did with the Kayfun v4. This is because I didn’t feel that air flow of the original GT was lacking, and it was adequate for me with the center air tube removed from the deck. The new and greater airflow capacity is most beneficial to those who felt that the original GT was too restrictive for their taste.

The new glass tank is also most beneficial to those who use tank cracking e-liquids, and I am also not one of those people. So the new glass tank is nice, but it has not enhanced my vape experience at all.

The one down side or potential negative about the Taifun GT/II design is that unlike most other bottom coil atomizers, the wicks are constantly being exposed to e-liquid even when not in use. If you are a vaper who goes long periods ( 2 or more hours) without vaping a certain atomizer, there is a strong possibility that you will experience some e-liquid seepage (from the air holes)from the Taifun. This is most especially true when a full tank is left overnight. There is only but so much e-liquid that a wick can hold, especially if it is not being vaped.

**Updated notes** I now believe that the slight juice seepage was more related to the tightness of the draw with only 3 air holes open. After this review published I noticed that when I opened the air flow to all five holes that the light seepage of e-liquid went away while using the same exact e-liquid and build/wick. This includes extended periods without use.

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At the end of 2014 we saw the release of upgrades to the 4 most popular rebuildable atomizers in the year prior, the Aqua V2, the Russian 2.0, the Kayfun V4, and the Taifun GT II. In spite of the upgrades offered with the new Taifun GT II, it is essentially the same atomizer with a greater capacity for air intake, and a glass tank that is immune to tank cracking e-liquids, and that is not a bad thing.

I would have liked to see a new wicking system implemented on the Taifun GT II, if for no other reason than to protect against the eventual seepage that can happen when e-liquid is left in the tank for several hours or days unvaped. I am the type of vaper who usually has at least 2, if not 4 tanks in rotation at one time. As such, I do not want to have to remember to either empty the tank, or turn it upside down when it is not going to be used for extended periods of time .. and as I have had to do with the older Taifun GT.

Be aware that not all of the Taifun GT II clones are the market are fitted with real glass tanks. The Limwell Taifun GT II is a good quality clone of the Taifun GT II, so if you are in the market for a new rebuildable atomizer, this Taifun GT II clone is a solid option.

Final photo


  • ​Good build quality
  • check
    ​Glass tank
  • check
    Increased air flow capacity/control
  • check
    Can rebuild/rewick without dumping a tank of juice
  • check
    Adjustable 510 pin


  • ​Can seep e-liquid due to over-saturated wicks

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Where to Buy a Taifun GT 2 RBA


4 thoughts on “Taifun GT II Clone Review”

  1. Really liking the taifun 2 as well, but for me the airflow in version 1 was terrible. I was literally gasping for air after every vape.

    Excellent review! Keep up the good work!

  2. Where do you get the 2.5mm XC-116 Readyxwick?
    rbasupplies has 2 mm and 3 mm.
    According to the original Taifun GT II manual, the recommended coild is 2.5 mm.

    1. I didn’t get it, it was sent to me over a year ago, and I was writing from memory. I just checked it, its 3mm.

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