Smokeless Owl BF Mod Review

Smokeless owl bf mod review

The Smokeless Owl is an original design bottom fed mechanical box mod and rebuildable bottom fed atomizer in one complete set up, and it is manufactured by Shenzhen LeMaga Technoology. Bottom fed style mods have been around for several years with REO Mods being the pioneer of “squonker style” mods and atomizers.

Recently the name of Smokeless Owl BF mod has been changed to “The Terminator”, and the finish of the BF box mod has been changed from a glossy to a matte finish. The Smokeless Owl/Terminator comes in colors black, and white, and is packaged in a white gift box, and includes spare parts/accessories.

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Where to buy the Smokeless Owl Mod:


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  • Brand: LeMaga
  • Type: bottom fed mechanical box mod and atomizer
  • Materials: Acetal Engineering Plastic (box mod) Stainless Steel/Glass (atomizer)
  • Connection threading: 510 (bottom fed and adjustable)
  • Battery compatibility: single 18650
  • Diameter: 22mm
  • Height: 90mm
  • Width: 47mm
  • Weight: 121 grams


As I mentioned earlier, the Smokeless Owl/Terminator is a complete bottom fed set up with a mechanical box mod, and atomizer. The first time that I saw this device I was strangely repulsed, and attracted to it at the same time. The glossy finish of the plastic box mod is the part that I found off putting, but I found the Kraken-esque style of the bottom fed atomizer intriguing.

The bottom fed box mod is supposed to be made of Delrin however, it really feels like regular ole plastic to me. The bottom fed rebuildable atomizer is fully constructed of stainless steel, with a glass tank section. The BF atomizer has a proprietary drip tip, and the atomizer feels solid and of good quality. For me, the atomizer carries the bulk of the value in this set up.

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The bottom fed box mod comes with a plastic 10ml e-liquid bottle pre-assembled with the mod. The fire button on the top of the mod has a two way locking mechanism. While the lock definitely works, I also found this it can inadvertently move off of the locked setting fairly easy.

The 510 threads are the only part of the box mod that is constructed from stainless steel. In the photo below you can see the bottom fed style 510 pin which has a hole in the center to allow e-liquid to feed from the juice bottle up through the 510 connection.

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The sliding front door of the box mod is held in place by two magnets on the door, and two hidden magnets on the box mod. The front door fitment is good, and stays on securely enough during actual use.

This box holds a single 18650 battery, and it is recommended that you use a high drain safer chemistry battery (IMR/INR) with this box mod. The positive and negative battery contacts are silver plated, and spring loaded. The positive contact is pin like, and can only be visibly seen when the fire button is depressed.

As I mentioned earlier, mod comes with a 10ml plastic e-liquid bottle already assembled into the box mod. However, I strongly recommend changing out the included plastic bottle for a better quality one. I found that the included plastic bottle does leech into the e-liquid over time, which completely taints the taste of the e-liquid. Most plastic 10ml bottles are compatible with this device.

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I have used both LG HE2’s and Samsung INR-25R 18650 batteries with this box mod, and I did not have any problems with battery fitment. I found it very easy to install and remove both batteries.

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The bottom fed rebuildable atomizer breaks down into 6 parts which include the rebuilable deck, the body sleeve, glass tank, gasket ring, and a threaded proprietary drip tip. Right off the bat it is easy to see that this is an atomizer that is built more for clouds, than for flavor. Please note that the dual coils shown below did not come pre-installed with the atomizer.

The Smokeless Owl/Terminator kit does comes with spare o-rings, screws, a mini screwdriver, extra plastic bottle (don’t use it), and a really neat coil winding tool for creating multiple size coils.

It would have been nice if there were a 510 drip tip adapter included with this kit so that the user would not be locked into using the proprietary high flow drip tip.

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The build deck has a 4 post design with a “T” style positive post, and two negative posts that are milled into the deck. The build deck appears to be approximately 4-5mm in-depth.

The bottom fed 510 connection is adjustable, and also feeds e-liquid up from the bottle in the box mod, to the build deck. However, the e-liquid will feed out through the top of the positive post, instead of out from the bottom of the post which would have been ideal.

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Following the advice of a friend of mine who is a BF mod user, I reduced the amount of wick that I would normally use for a deck this deep. According to my friend it is better to use less wick and more frequent “squonks” so that you get a hit of fresh juice with every two tokes.

As I mentioned earlier, the Smokeless Owl atomizer has the e-liquid coming through the top of the positive post instead of out from the bottom. In the 3rd photo below you can see what a single squonk with fresh cotton looks like on the device that I received. The flow of e-liquid was less than even onto the dual cotton wicks, with one side being more saturated than the other. With another “squonk n tilt” I was able to get the 2nd wick saturated.

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Even though this atomizer has a 4 post design, I would not attempt quad coils with this atomizer due to the air flow set up which is more appropriate for dual coils. The top fire button is not my favorite switch location and I found that I really needed to fully depress the fire button in order to get the best hit.

As I suspected, the flavor produced from this atomizer was not the best I ever had, but at the same time I wouldn’t call it bad either. I used an e-liquid that I was familiar with and I could definitely taste the flavor of my juice, but the flavor was less defined. This was not surprising because this atty is set up for clouds more so than flavor. On the front of vapor production this set up did not disappoint, so overall flavor and vapor production was acceptable for me.

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One thing to be aware of is the fact that this BF box mod does have some voltage drop with no load. With an LG HE2 at 4.13v, the voltage drop with no load was .07. The tested voltage under load with a .68 ohm atomizer was .26v if counted from 4.06v (voltage no load), and .33v is calculated from the actual charge of the battery.

*Special note to VC reader Stele — I haven’t forgotten your request for voltage drop tests with lower resistance (.30), but this review was already shot at the time of your request. However, stay tuned for my review of the Dos Equis clone. ;-) *

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So is the Smokeless Owl/Terminator bottom fed box mod as good as something like a Reo, or a higher end BF mod? Err, NO! However, at $24.50usd I think it is fair to say that you will at least get your monies worth out of this box mod and atomizer. While the BF box mod itself is kinda disposable, I do feel like the atomizer is one that the consumer would keep and possibly use with another BF device.

Overall I think that the Smokeless Owl/Terminator BF box mod and atomizer offers those users who are new to bottom fed devices the opportunity to try this style of vaping of without breaking the bank, and that is a good thing.

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  • ​Very affordable
  • check
    ​2 in 1 box mod and atomizer
  • check
    Mod and atty can be used with other 510 and BF compatible devices


  • ​Disposable materials and construction (box mod)
  • ​Included plastic bottle is low quality and should be changed
  • Exclamation Triangle
    Proprietary drip tip cannot be changed

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Where to buy the Smokeless Owl Mod


6 thoughts on “Smokeless Owl BF Mod Review”

  1. Thanks for the nice review. I just got myself one of these from focal myself about a week ago. Your review and assessment was pretty spot on. Honestly I don’t see myself using this Atty with another mod as I don’t think its great, but to each their own.
    As this is my first squonker, I have to wonder why this style is not insanely popular. I don’t love this mod, but it made me realize I love this style of vape. I’m definitely looking into a higher end squonker in the near future. Hopefully this style gains popularity so we get better options and atomizers. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in trying this style of vape. You won’t be let down for the price.

    1. Hi there .. I agree, this squonker serves the purpose of getting vapers familiar with this style. BF devices do have their own following, and have for a long time but I agree that it had not seen the mass popularity of some other styles. I am certain that from this point forward the market is going to see large increase in bottom fed devices because it is the more efficient way to use an RDA. Thank you for your comments.

  2. Yeah, I like the idea, but don’t think I’ll be going in for this one. The box is, quite frankly, rather hideous. And I really don’t like the idea of the plastic bottle feeder. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an objection to my juice touching plastic. While my juice does steep in glass jars, the ingredients I use come in plastic and I put it in plastic syringes for dripping. It’s just that I *really* don’t care for the chintzy look of the thing.

    I do like the idea of feeding up through the 510 connection though. Put a u-cann style feeder in it and it could be pretty amazing.

    I would also much prefer to use a controlled device. I have admittedly limited experience with mechanical mods, but that experience hasn’t been especially exciting. I’m kind of hooked on variable wattage and using twisted kanthal coils at a wide range of sizes, control is important to me.

    As an aside, I absolutely adore that style of coil winder! It’s not only the easiest coil jig I’ve used, it is also really nice for adjusting coils in a build.

    1. Hi DuWayne .. part of making good vape purchases is knowing what you like and what works best for you. The greatest service that any product review can provide is to help the consumer make an informed decision, whether it be “ye or neh”. :)

  3. PuterrotMond

    Just got the Terminator from Focal for my husband as b-day gift. The one I received has a glossy finish and not matte :/, it didn’t come packaged in a gift box, and the box and atty came in an open bag with the spares and tools in another bag tapped to it. I was embarrassed to give it to my husband.

    1. Oh wow, I could totally understand the disappointment especially if it was intended as a gift. I know the early version was delivered as you stated, but I thought they were all going out in gift boxes now .. bummer.

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