Eleaf iStick 30W Mod – A Badass Baby Mod With Amazing Performance!

Eleaf istick 30w
Eleaf istick 30w mod eleaf istick 30w mod – a badass baby mod with amazing performance!

Ah…top of the morning to all my fellow vaping enthusiasts and I certainly hope you haven’t been taking too easy, after all: fortune favors the bold! I’m excited to give you all the low down on my experience with the Leaf iStick 30W. This eLeaf iStick 30W Review is one I’ve been itching to do, having loved the look and feel of the its 20W predecessor but also seeing the room for improvement.

eLeaf became a household name in vaping with the release of their iStick 20W and those of you familiar with Eleaf will know them as a conscientious brand with a sexy and trendy range of vaping mods and gadgets, brought to you at pleasantly affordable prices. Attention to detail and a classy brand profile set them apart as a brand who’re dead set on improving and making themselves even more of a staple in the vaping world.

Whilst researching the brand I was impressed by their transparency and thoroughness, I want to support a brand who has enough respect for it’s users to put it all out there…so I entered into this eLeaf iStick 30W Mod Box Review process with high hopes for the new iStick 30w and an open mind.

eLeaf iStick 30W Ratings

eLeaf iStick 30W Review

Eleaf istick 30w review

Given that I was already a fan of the look, feel and potential I saw in the 20W, I found myself highly impressed by the improvements I saw and experienced whilst doing this review…I blew one last delicious cumulonimbus cloud and awarded them a sweet 5 star rating!

            • 510 Threaded
            • Atomizer short circuit protection
            • 30W max output wattage
            • 23x32,5x77mm
            • Wattage: adjustable 5W to 30W
            • Voltage: adjustable 2V to 8V
            • Minimum resistance of 0.4 ohm
            • Battery: 2200mAh
            • Oled screen shows Watts, Volts, ohm and battery levels
            • In the box: Leaf stick 30W, USB charger, 510-eGo adapter, User manual
            • Price: a neat $35

Kitted out with my Kanger Aerotank, as well as an eGo 1 for sub-ohm vaping and starting with Cult Classic Tallahassee e-liquid, among others, I prepared for my weekend review.


Look And Feel: As a serial vaper (and female too), who at all times has one hand full of gear…I’m a big fan of the dimensions of this piece, identical to those of its 20W predecessor, although I know that big fisted guys find it a little on the miniature side.

I was pleased about the stainless steel top section, which has been upgraded with a little extension that neatly stops your larger tanks from overhanging as they did on the 20W. Removing the piece from its really decent packaging, it fits snuggly in hand, available in a ton of colors, I absolutely love the look of it, sleek and sexy as we’d expect from eLeaf with the black strip where the screen is, down the side, nicely offsetting the stainless steel buttons. Dare I say, this is a feminine mod…it’s pretty and it feels un-intrusive.

Sub-ohm Capabilities: The upgraded 30W has sub-ohm capabilities, down to 0.4ohm, whereas it’s predecessor will give you no joy below 1 ohm. So, depending on the tanks you’re into, this baby is a definite step up.

Wattage/Voltage Lock: You can now control your vape by locking W/V. Hold down the plus or minus buttons to lock and this will stop you from being able to accidentally change settings whilst vaping.

Compatibility: This is what I mean about a conscientious brand, 510 threaded, you needn’t go out at all hours to find yourself an adapter, I found my 510-eGo adapted thoughtfully included in the pack. Also, the 30W features a new spring loaded 510 connector, making fitting a variety of tanks far easier, plus the stainless steel threading is hugely improved.

Battery Power: What can I say, killer capacity, considering the size. with a 2-3 hour charge, you’re set from morning till night. Plus, they squeezed that extra capacity into the same sized package! I experienced great battery life during this eLeaf 30W Review.

Passthrough Battery: Somewhere during the course of this eLeaf iStick 30W kit Review, I ran into the term Passthrough Battery and was reminded of my first experience with a vaping pen: in my enthusiasm I burned out a cartomizer and somehow broke a charger by attempting to use the device whilst it was plugged in, you can imagine my dismay! So for me at least, the fact that you can still make use of your 30W whilst it’s powering up at at outlet is something of a revolutionary upgrade!

Oled Screen And Controls: The display is excellent and stylishly inlaid, with that black strip running the length of the device. Displays in Wattage or Voltage mode. The button feel and control system has been upgraded, making it more user friendly and improving the feel.

Quality of Vape: You’ve got to be kidding me, starting with my Aerotank, I found zero fault with this little beast…blowing out plumes for a good 6 hours doing this eLeaf iStick 30W review, I’m loving it. When you screw on an eGo 1, the set up actually looks like it came that way, fitting snuggly together and killing it up to 30W with a 0.5 Ohm resistance, no lie…100 % satisfied with the vape quality. This little baby’s got power. Intense vapor production with such unassuming dimensions, I’m blown away and so is anyone who gets in the way of these clouds.


When I set out to review eLeaf iStick 30W full kit, I expected to be able to do a little nit picking…however, having had my socks blown of by the range and capacity of this little baby, I refuse! I literally cannot find fault with it and the fact that I get the same size mod with all these upgrades in function is set to turn me into a firm eLeaf supporter. My only bit of advice is this…look after your mod with a sleeve as the paint can scratch off easily.

Top Brand Features of eLeaf

eLeaf operates transparently and with integrity, paying attention to customer reviews, they improve their technology with every release. Just visit the iLeaf site to see what I mean: rarely do we find a brand who goes into this much detail to describe the function and manufacture specifics of their products, I consider this to be a special brand feature!


So I’ve come to the end of this eLeaf iStick 30W Kit Review and as you can tell, I’m stoked. This nifty little machine is going to be my go-to mod for some time to come, I can tell you that much. I strongly recommend this outstanding mod for beginners and experienced vapers alike…there’s no way you’ll be disappointed!

To learn more about your iStick 30W, maintenance and setup, check out this video:

Eleaf istick 30w mod eleaf istick 30w mod – a badass baby mod with amazing performance!
Eleaf istick 30w mod eleaf istick 30w mod – a badass baby mod with amazing performance!

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