Joytech eVic VTwo Review

Vtwo 4 joytech evic vtwo review

May 2016 has seen the release of 2 invigorating new box mods from the Joytech eVic line. A welcome addition to the family comes the eVic Vtwo and eVic VTwo Mini. Things have certainly stepped up a few levels since the inception of the eVic line in 2014. I’ve been using the VTwo for a few weeks now and I’m excited to share my thoughts and findings with you all here at Vaping Cheap.

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Let’s start with the specifications

(from the Joytech website)

Size: 47 * 25.5 * 85.6mm

Capacity: 5000mAh

Output mode: VW / VT (Ni, Ti, SS316) / BYPASS / TCR Mode (M1,M2,M3)

Temperature Range: 100-315 C/200-600F

Output Wattage: 1W – 80W

Resistance Range: 0.05 – 1.0 Ohms for VT mode

Resistance Range: 0.15 – 3.5 Ohms for VW / BYPASS mode

Color: Black, Burgundy, Orange, Blue, White, Racing Yellow, Cool Black, Dazzling White

Dual Circuit Protection – the eVic VTwo applies two sets of battery protection circuit system, over-current and over-discharging. (So it basically monitors your charge on the way in as well as the way out. This should technically give better performance life by looking after the load draw on the internal battery).

Firmware Upgradeable – the eVic VTwo comes with upgradeable firmware. The current, version 4.02 at time of writing, provides a new interface, multiple modes and extra functions (from the earlier versions).

USB charging via micro USB socket on the side of the mod. (So it can be charged while standing up. A pet hate of mine is mods that have the usb charge socket on the bottom forcing you to lay it down on the side with a risk of leaking from your tank).


In The Box

1 * eVic VTwo Body

1 * USB Cable

1 * eVic VT Skin

1 * Manual & Warranty Card

Out of The Box

The first impression I had, after taking it out of the box, was how nice the form factor is. The way it just sits in your hand feels great from the beginning. The weight of the mod and it’s luxury tapered feel from top to bottom, gives you a feeling that this is built solid. Not heavy by any means, but not light and flimsy steering you away from thinking its a cheap, throwaway and unreliable mod. It feels regal to the touch and you get that instant feeling that it is a quality construction.

The selection wheel on the top of the mod is intriguing and makes you instinctively want to put your thumb up to it and investigate. The gold 510 connection looks solid and slightly raised, so there is no chance of getting those atomizer swirl scratches on the top of your brand new mod.

Aside from feeling great, it looks great in hand or set down on the bench. It’s definitely aesthetically pleasing to look at, as it is not a purely square box mod. It has curves and tapers down which holds interest to the eye. Each edge is smooth, so there are no harsh corners to distract your attention. The range of colors available in the VTwo range are sure to appeal to everyone and at least one will take your fancy.

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Joytech evic vtwo review


I’ve found the VTwo to easily integrate and adapt into my daily routine, without distracting me from what I need it for. There has not been any downtime to vaping due to a lack performance or chip errors. The menu is very easy to navigate and customize to my liking. It charges with the same micro usb as my phone and other usb devices, so integration is a winner here too. While charging, if your not using the pass-thru feature, the device shows you the battery meter as an approximation of where the charge cycle is up to. Once finished, it goes back to a blank screen letting you know that it’s fully charged and ready to go once again. From a completely flat battery, the VTwo takes around 5 and a half hours to charge. As the battery charges, the mod gets slightly warm but definitely not hot by any means.

The selection wheel takes some getting used to, as we are most used to selection buttons. The wheel is however very easy once when you get the hang of it. Just a simple left or right with your thumb and your moving up and down in power or temperature in no time. If you hold down the section wheel, the values scroll through quickly which enables you to reach your desired destination in a snap. You can then fine tune it by jogging the wheel in small increments until your satisfied.

Screwing your atomizer into the 510 connection, you will find a solid fit. The threads feel smooth, giving you peace of mind that your tank is not going to get stuck or have it’s threads ruined. The lip of the 510 connection is slightly raised, meaning that your tank or RDA will sit a little higher than the body of the mod with a small gap present.

The VTwo only just passes the pocket test. Meaning that it will comfortably fit in your pocket with either a tank or an RDA on board, but it takes up most of your pocket. This is obviously where the mini version will hopefully shine – hopefully leaving you enough room for your juice bottle too.



Battery wise, the VTwo is packed with a 5000mAh built in battery. This is a huge benefit for those who want extra battery life but do not want to be carrying around an extra set of 18650 batteries. Or for those who need battery life, but do not have an external charging bay. For me, I can easily get 2+ days out of this mod when using a tank at around 25-35W, in both power and TC modes, with a resistance of around 0.5 Ohm. MTL vapers can expect even longer life from this mod, as they traditionally run lower wattage and higher resistance in their coils obviously taking up less power.

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In terms of RDA performance, I get a solid day without having to recharge. Both in power mode around 60W and in temp mode at 80W / 230C, running a dual coil setup around 0.2 Ohm. These tests apply for both regular kanthal and temperature sensitive builds – they all seem to take roughly the same performance out of this mod.

Talking of temperature sensitive builds, Ni200, Ti and SS316L each have their own profile within the temperature control area. This is reached by pushing the fire button 3 times and motioning right on the selection wheel. Once in the desired mode, pressing the fire button 3 times and motioning left, you will be able to change your wattage and lock down the resistance of your atomizer.

To adjust either the wattage (in Power mode) or C/F (in Temp mode) you simply turn the selection wheel to the left or right. Again, single clicks will slowly scroll up by one increment, while holding the button down will cycle quickly through the range. To swap between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, you scroll all the way to the end of the range and when you press the wheel again it will cycle to the other.

If you want to push the boundaries in temp control, you have 3 TCR memory slots where you can dial in your preferred temperature coefficient according to your taste. To get here, you need to power off the mod and hold the selection wheel to the right while pressing the fire button. I have found the preset settings for each wire to be spot on, however this is a nice luxury to have for those fussy vapers.


I have found the VTwo to perform consistently across the battery range. It performs just as well at a quarter battery strength as it does at full power.  There is no sudden drop to empty from half or quarter charge, like some popular mods on the market. This is a huge tick for me as I get an honest indication of where the battery is and no fear of it suddenly dropping out.

In terms of customization on the main screen, the VTwo lets you view a digital clock with the date, the current power settings or a custom logo. You can also select to view either a puff counter or the current amp draw. The custom logo can be uploaded via the firmware update tool on the Joytech website. There are also a bunch of logos available for download on the forum section of the Joytech website. On idle, an analogue clock is displayed  as a screen saver for a custom period of time that can be selected in the menu. After this idle time is reached, the mod with power off.

The firmware update process is not complicated and only takes a few seconds to complete. The software is very straightforward to both install and operate.

Accuracy of ohms and resistance is spot on compared to my standalone resistance checker. I have not experienced any resistance jumping or faulty readings so far.

The white skin cover that is included will do a great job of protecting your new mod. It fits like a glove and does not get stuck with friction when taking it out of your pocket.


Wrap Up

In conclusion the Vtwo has far beyond met my expectations for a compact TC box mod. For the price point you can’t go wrong with this mod as it does everything you need it to do. You can rely on the battery life and do not need to carry around extra batteries. If needed, you can just carry the micro USB cable and top it up on the go. I would have no hesitations recommending this mod to anyone who has the requirement for vaping under 80W.

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It will be interesting to see the battery performance on the VTwo mini and how it stacks up against it’s big brother.

5 thoughts on “Joytech eVic VTwo Review”

  1. I can’t wait to get this mod. I LOVED my Evic VT until my charging port broke and I couldn’t charge it anymore. Prior to that I had to replace the tank cause the connector broke off and there was no way to fix it apart from sodering it back on. Will this be available as a full kit? With a matching tank like the original VT? That is what I’m waiting for…. .can’t wait!!

  2. I also had the original EVIC and also the charging port went out on me. I loved that mod. It was my first real mod. But I’m disappointed that they didn’t continue the 69 Chevelle racing strips on the paint jobs. It has the “raised hood” look to it still (just needs the strips). The paint or my original was so well done. I had the orange with black strips color. It sits on my shelf watching it’s little brother who is his replacement get all the action. So, yes, I went with the EVIC-mini as my replacement. I love it as well, except for two caveats (1) a single battery doesn’t last me all day (sure miss that mega-battery from the original Evic) and (2) it’s a bit small for my hands, so again that original Evic size was perfect.
    I’m just very surprised they didn’t change out the thumb wheel to two independent buttons like in the mini… It was easy to use, but tank leak caused it to not turn so fluidly.

  3. DyNama, Ohio

    Your sourcemore link says the eVic VTwo full kit will come with a matching Joyetech Cubis Pro. i actually got a Cubis just to use with my eVic VT version 1.18, looking forward to upgrading.

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