Youde Goblin V2 RTA Review

Youde goblin v2 rta review

The UD Goblin V2 is a maximum air flow rebuildable tank atomizer made by Zhuhai Youde Technology, who is also known as UD. Youde/UD has become a highly recognized, and respected brand name manufacturer of good quality, low-mid end electronic cigarette products. In fact, my very first rebuildable atomizer was the UD AGI Genesis atomizer.

The Goblin V2 brings with it a few changes and upgrades from the Goblin V1, which I will cover in detail in this review. The UD Goblin V2 featured in this review was purchased from Triangle Vapes for $27.00USD for the purpose of this product review.

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Where to buy the Goblin V2 RTA:


The UD Goblin V2 is packaged in a branded black gift box, and it includes the Goblin V2 RTA, and a spare parts package which includes a larger capacity pyrex tank and extended chimney.

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  • Brand: Youde
  • Material: stainless steel and pyrex glass
  • Type: rebuildable tank atomizer
  • Connection threading: 510 (silver plated copper/adjustable)
  • E-liquid capacity: 3ml (standard) 4.2ml (extended)
  • Diameter: 22mm
  • Height: 45mm
  • Weight: 59 grams


The UD Goblin V2 is constructed from 304 grade brushed stainless steel, and a pyrex glass tank. While the aesthetic design of this tank is sort of your standard affair in rebuildable tank atomizers, I do feel that it is more stylish than the Lemo, or a Subtank w/RBA deck. The aesthetic changes from version 1 to 2 are minimal.

On the Goblin V2 the UD logo has been removed from the body, and placed on the bottom of the atomizer with the serial # and year of manufacturing. The deck sleeve has also been laser etched with the Goblin name.

As I would expect, the overall construction of the Goblin feels very solid, and well machined for its price point. The only nit picky criticism I have for this atomizer is the brushed stainless steel finish, which is slightly blotchy in spots.

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The Goblin V2 breaks down into six basic parts which are the base/deck, lower tank section, deck sleeve, chimney top, pyrex glass tank and top cap. While breaking the atomizer down I did not notice any crunchy threads, or ill fitting parts.

Another update between version 1 and 2 of the Goblin RTA is the inclusion of two different sized pyrex glass tank, the smallest of which holds 3ml of e-liquid, and the extended pyrex glass tank which holds 4.2ml of e-liquid according to specs. You will need to use the included extended chimney top with the larger pyrex glass tank.

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As soon as I broke the atomizer down and looked at the build deck, the first thought that popped into my mind was the Aqua V2 which has almost the same style build deck. The positive/negative posts are also reminiscent of the Orchid by Aethertech which is also a dual bottom coil atomizer.

The deck has two 3mm air holes on both sides of the deck, which are positioned directly beneath your coils once built. The juice channels on the deck are cut wide and deep. So the UD Goblin is like a mash up of the Aqua V2, Orchid, and original Kayfun atomizer.

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Now the adjustable air flow holes on the outer base of the atomizer are also spec’d at 3mm however, the holes actually appear to be closer to 5mm in my opinion. The Russian 2.0 atomizer that I reviewed not too long ago has a single 3mm air hole, and the air holes on the Goblin appear to be double the size.

The air flow control ring is held in place by a single o-ring and can be removed. The AFC ring adjusts nicely with the right amount of tension, and doesn’t move easily off its setting.

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The deck space on the Goblin is small, so you’re gonna have to keep that in mind when approaching your build. Based on my experience with this atty I found that coils that are no larger than 2.5mm in diameter will work best. I also found that I had to watch the overall width of the coils, especially with thicker gauge wire (26 gauge and lower).

For this build I used 28 gauge Kanthal wire, and a 9/10 wrap on a 2.5mm rod which metered out to .85 ohms. Being that I own the Aqua V2 atomizer, wicking the Goblin made sense to me right away.

I cut the wicks relatively short, and on an angle so that the wicks came to a point at the bottom. After I primed the wicks with e-liquid, I stuffed the wicks into the air channels as shown below. Doing this is critical because if those juice channels are not filled with wick then the atomizer will leak after filling. I made sure that my wicks extended into the bottom of the juice channels.

All in all, I found that building the Goblin was quick and easy.

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In the photograph below you can see the difference in appearance and size between the standard, and extended pyrex glass tanks. While the specs for this atomizer indicate that the standard tank has a 3ml capacity, I was only able to fit 2.5ml of e-liquid into the standard tank, which was measured by syringe.

I am fine with the smaller tank capacity because I usually run 2-4 set ups simultaneously throughout my day. Being that the Goblin has an adjustable 510 pin, flush mounting this atomizer with various devices should not be a problem.

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With the small deck and chamber of the UD Goblin V2 I expected nothing less than really good flavor production, and that is exactly what I got. Is the flavor produced by the Goblin comparable to a dripper as it has been marketed? I would say that depends on the RDA in comparative question. I was worried that the small chamber in combination with dual coils would create a vape that was too warm for me, but that wasn’t the case.

When I compare the UD Goblin V2 in terms of flavor and vapor production to the Eleaf Lemo that I recently reviewed, I do like the Goblin a bit more. The flavor produced tastes a little more balanced, and less sweet. The air flow on the Goblin is also a little smoother, and easier to adust as well. I definitely prefer bottom filling the Goblin over the Lemo because I do not have to unscrew the base in order to access the fill port.

In addition to its performance I also like the compact form factor of the Goblin. I found it to be perfectly suited for the two devices that I have used it with, which are the Hcigar HB40 and the authentic 4nine by Tarsius Customs. Everything about this atomizer worked great for me, so I do not have any complaints at all about the way it performed.

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There is not really much more to say here folks .. The UD Goblin V2 is a very good atomizer, and it ticks all of my boxes especially where aesthetics and form are concerned. As far as dual bottom coil rebuildable atomizers go, I definitely place it above the Orchid atomizer, at least for my tastes (better, more dense flavor). I would also place it on par with the Aqua V2 in terms of flavor production, albeit with a greater air flow capacity.

Now if Youde can figure out a way to create a top fill method for this atty, then the Goblin V2 would really be cooking with gas!

Final photo


  • ​Compact size
  • check
    ​Two size options for e-liquid capacity
  • check
    Silver plated copper adjustable 510
  • check
    Great flavor and air flow


  • ​No top fill method

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Where to buy the Goblin V2 RTA


17 thoughts on “Youde Goblin V2 RTA Review”

  1. Oh Nicole! We all wish for the perfect atomizer with the perfect top fill method! But I can’t complain too much as bottom fill is tried, tested, and true. Compared to all the flawed top fill devices that just ruin a good atomizer.

    When can we have our cake and eat it too?

    1. LOL Gary! So true .. I am glad that the Goblin vapes well, and the bottom fill port at least works well.

  2. You got your wish with the top fill…Well sorta kinda,lol. The Cthullu tank that just came out or is coming out soon, Is basically the goblin with top fill and they are pretty spot on with everything else. But I think I heard that the Top fil breaks the vaccume and it can get leaky but I don’t know if this is just rumors. I don’t know which one to go with honestly…I’m probably going to go with the Goblin because the Bottom fill doesn’t bother me and I know its gonna rock.
    Awesome review! Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Evil! Well, at this point we are all used to bottom filling, so its not like a deal breaker … just wishful thinking, lol. I will keep an eye out for the tank you referenced and see how the market continues to respond to it.

  3. Hi Nicole.

    Nice review as usual. Did you find that you had to fill it often since it’s dual coil and only 2.5 mls. And I couldn’t agree more with You and Gary about filling methods. Won’t it be great if some day in the future you only need tools to build a coil!!
    Thanks for all your reviews. Keep up the great job!!!

    1. Hi LJF .. you know for me I had no issues with the 2.5ml and I only refill once a day. But I also run the Goblin with other tanks, so I am not only using it. That said, I was still surprised for how well it did with the 2.5ml. It didn’t seem to burn up juice as quickly as I had expected. Its great that it comes with two tank sizes though.

  4. Hands down the best RTA I have ever owned. Great vapor production. Superior taste. Superior quality, smooth edges. This RTA has spoiled me rotton! I had to buy another! And chances are I will buy a third! You won’t be disappointed. I like the bottom fill option. I never had luck with kayfuns and even the Subtank mini is fickle. The only drawback I can find is that the deck is small, but if I can build it… well almost anyone can! Just buy it!

    1. I am really enjoying the Goblin V2 as well, I enjoy the size of it too ..maybe enough to get a 2nd one. :)

  5. Nice review but I suggest you do not put the cotton down in the juice channels. That will cause dry hits. Keeping wick out of the channels will not cause leaking.Trevor Jones has a really good build tutorial for the goblin.

    1. Hi John .. I appreciate your comments however, I completely disagree. As demonstrated in my review filling the juice channels DOES NOT cause dry hits, if it did then I would not have advised it. My build method is already proven dear. I have no idea who Trevor Jones is, but to each their own.

  6. It is nice people try to be helpful but as if you needed any tips on wicking. You really seem to do your homework and study the device before posting reviews. Props to you for being such a trusted source for reviews.

    1. Hi April, I appreciate that. :) In terms of wicking, if there is anyone who is experiencing dry hits from filling the juice channels with wick, then they are simply using too much wick. Just as using too little wick can cause gurgling or flooding. This is true across the board for ANY bottom coil atomizer, and without exception. Thank you for your comments hun. :)

  7. I have one. It’s the best thing in life since sliced bread.

    If you are still on the fence, go buy it! you won’t regret it.

  8. A top fill would be nice, but this rta is awesome, if built right. at the start, I was shoving too much cotton in the channels. This would give dry hits, so I thinned it out. Now, all is well and it is quickly becoming my favorite tank. Thanks for the review!

    1. Hi Jason :) Glad you found your way with the Goblin and that it is working great for you. Thank you for your comments.

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