Eleaf Mini iStick: Variable Voltage E Cigarette Mod (10w)

Mini istick by eleaf

Mini istick by eleafUltra Compact Eleaf iStick Mini

Want a smaller e-cigarette than the Eleaf iStick? Well you can have it with the new Mini iStick made by Eleaf. It’s a smaller more compact version of the Eleaf iStick.

The Mini iStick is about 2/3rd’s the size of the original iStick measuring only 52mm (2.1 inches) long, the original iStick measures 75mm long. The width of the Mini is also a bit smaller than the original at 23.5mm with the original measuring 32,8mm. Both of the devices have the same depth measuring 21mm.

This device is small enough to be concealed in your hand and can easily be carried with you and kept in your pocket. Because the Mini iStick ism so small it does have to give up some Mini istick mod sizebattery capacity and power but I think it still has a good enough battery capacity at 1050mah. That’s enough power to last me for a night, maybe even a full day.

The power output of the Mini iStick tops out at 10 watts, it doesn’t sound like you can adjust the wattage output but you can adjust the voltage output from 3.3 to 5.0 volts in o.1 volt increments. That may sound like it’s lacking power but it wasn’t too long ago that all devices top out at between 10-15 watts or 5-6 volts and we still enjoyed vaping.

The design of the Mini iStick is very similar to the original Eleaf iStick. The side of the device still has a square firing button and two triangle adjustment buttons but the screen has been moved from the side to the top od the Mini iStick next to the 510 connection. The display is a simple round 3 digit LED screen that can display output voltage, battery power level, and vaping time in seconds. As you can see the LED screen and display parameters have been simplified a bit on the Mini iStick.

To charger the device you use a mini USB port found on the bottom of the mod just like on the original iStick. They say it will take about 1.5 hours to fully charger the Mini iStick’s battery from a 1A wall adapter. Like the original the iStick Mini will be available in four colors; black, silver, blue, and red.

Mini iStick Features:

  • Battery Capacity 1050mah
  • Variable Voltage from 3.3 to 5.0 voltage
  • Maximum 10 Watt Output
  • LED screen displays Vaping seconds, Battery power, and current voltage
  • Mini USB Charging Port (1.5 hour charge time)
  • 510 threaded connection
  • Compact Size Measures 23.5mm x 52mm x 21mm
  • Available in red, blue, black, and silver

Mini istick colors

27 thoughts on “Eleaf Mini iStick: Variable Voltage E Cigarette Mod (10w)”

  1. I wonder if they had the good sense to correct the “connection issues” with the original iStick, like maybe a spring-loaded pin? I bought the bending adapter and it still does not solve the connection issues completely.

  2. just take a small screwdriver or pick and lift up the 510 connector enough to make contact to the tank., they are not fixed inside the device, you can lift them up so that it makes a proper connection. i have to do it every few days but it only takes 10 seconds.

      1. No, Isticks all use micro USB, which is what you’ll find on all android phones. Mini usb is the older style plug that is what you’ll find on older Motorolas like the old school flip Razor.

  3. im new to vaping and got this little guy and lost the “directions” that came with it does anyone know what it says lo and has a horse shoe a few seconds after i try to puff it? i havent been able to even smoke it lol

  4. I like the istick mini but i know nothing about cartridges or anything of that sort. I dont like the metal tip ones. I will say that. I have never had one where i change the coils, which i have seen people talk about but i dont understand. I keep having to buy a new cartridge some from a week to a month. I am scared i will screw up, knowing nothing about the coils and anything associated with them. Is there anyway to clean the cartridges that you dont change the coils in? Can someone lead me in the right direction on the cheapest way to buy knew cartridges and if there is a way to clean them or what ever i should do? Please help me.

    1. When you buy a new cartridge you are changing the coil, the coil is inside the cartridge. When people talk about changing the coil they have cartomizers that you can just change the coil and keep using the same cartomizer. You have to change out coils because one coil won’t last forever.

  5. How do you change the flavours? And how do know when to change coils? Any help appreciated. Love my istick it’s great!

    1. To change flavors You just put new ejuice in your tank. I change my coil whenever I feel the performance is dropping, less flavor and vapor production.

  6. I noticed that it states variable wattage but I’m having trouble being able to change it to wattage mode for customers that purchase them. I tried the 3 clicks of the fire button, and all combinations of holding down 2 buttons for a period of time but it never changes. Thanks in advance!

  7. Brenda Moss

    I am fairly new to vaping. I bought this at local vape shop and paid way more than internet prices. I am still very happy though. I can adjust voltage and get the most from my tank. even makes my coils last longer. I was using a 650 mah ego battery. fits in the hand very nice.

  8. I have 2 of them. Been using it for the past 2 months. Like it cos it sizes and light. Lately, 1 of it can’t fire when pressing down the fire button. The display went off totally and the voltage reset to 3.3v. Now only the up n down arrow buttons are working, whenever I press on the fire button, the screen went off again. Check the voltage, it reset to 3.3v again. Would like to check with you guys, do you ever had the same problem like I do? Any suggestions? Thanks.

  9. I’m having an issue 28th my istick also. When I press the button down and suck, I don’t get any vapor. I know its not my tops cuz all of the tops I have work on my other a big battery. Anyways, when I try to take a hit, no vapor comes out, but on the screen it says lo then starts blinking 00 with the small percentage sign also blinking. Which when it says lo, I know that means to charge it, so I tried. When I plugged it in nothing happened, there were no blinking numbers or percentage sign. Every time I have charged it before, the percentage sign always continously blinks. Can anyone help with this problem? Its my fav e cig battery that I have! Plz and thx!

    1. Try to use a high ohm coil. I had that problem when my ohm reading is less than 0.8ohm. It works perfectly with any 1.0 ohm and above. The indication of lo meaning the ohm or the top is too low for this mini mod. If you like small compact and mini mod, try to search online this new mini volt mod by council of vape. Almost same size with this mini istick and it fires up to 40w…love it.

  10. The eleaf istick mini keeps reading lo and not firing I’m using a cartridge I can taste it the wick is still there just no vapor

  11. June Charlesworth

    Is there battery life off the minii Istick the shop where I brought it says a brought it says 5months is this right

  12. I cannot get the mini to work, can you give me some help?Have 100% on battery, hit square button 5 times as in instructions but won’t work. HELP

  13. I have Eleaf Mini iStick and don’t know which replacement coils to buy. The vape shop wasn’t much help either. What is recommended?

  14. Can someone tell me the best wattage/temp to set with a Vaporite Pyrite atomizer? There aren’t any numbers on it to guide me with my 10w istick. Lower vs higher?

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