Digiflavor DF 200 Review: One of the Most Affordable Box Mods

Digiflavor df 200 mod review

Digiflavor df 200 mod review

Digiflavor, a brand under Geekvape has been releasing tons of new products lately, and now have released their first triple 18650 box mod, the DF 200 Mod. Triple 18650 devices have become increasingly popular due to the battery life you can get, amounts of power available and just the size they are. With more and more larger diameter atomizers coming to the market, it’s only natural we see larger devices to accommodate them. How does this device stack up against the rest? We’ll see in this review!

Before getting any further, I’d like to thank VapeWild for sending this device my way for the purposes of this review! I will go over my first impressions, using the device over time, performance, pros and cons, and conclude with whether or not I recommend the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod!

Digiflavor DF 200 Mod Review

Out of the box

When I first received the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod, the first thing I noticed was the familiar colors that Digiflavor uses for most of their products, which is red and white. I do like the consistency, and even though something minor to look at, it’s something I did notice right away.

On the front of the package, it shows exactly what is inside of the box, and on the back, it shows some instructions on how to get started using this device alongside what’s included. I do like that Digiflavor added this in the back on the box, as sometimes users just want to quickly dive into using the device, and don’t want to read an entire user manual.

Once you slide open the packaging, you are immediately greeted with the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod, and my first thoughts was that this device is rather large. It is to be expected since this box mod does require 3 high drain 18650 batteries, but still I kind of expected it to be just a bit smaller. Not really a con, just something worth mentioning. Underneath the device, you can find the included Micro USB Cable which is used for firmware upgrades, a user manual and a warranty card.

Once I held the DF 200 Mod in my hands, I loved the feel of it, because of how rounded it is. There are no sharp edges with this device, which is a huge pro! It did feel quite big in the hands though, especially in comparison to the Wismec Reuleaux RX200S or Lost Vape Triade DNA250, which are two other triple 18650 box mods. If you do have smaller hands, this device may feel a bit uncomfortable, but for me, it wasn’t an issue.

The screen and the wattage up and down buttons can be found at the top of the device. The fire button can be found at the usual spot, which is on the top side of the device, and the micro USB port can be found on the side, which is another pro in my book! All of the buttons are nice and clicky as well.

When looking at this device, one of the first questions I asked myself was if this device can support a 30mm atomizer without any overhand. This was one of the first tests I did with this mod once I had it in my hands since many of my mods cannot support a 30mm atomizer, and to my surprise, the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod does sit 30mm atomizers flush with no overhang! This is a major pro, and I’m sure many vapers would agree!

Digiflavor df 200 mod review

Without any batteries in it, this box mod is rather light. In addition, the battery door is held on quite tight without much play unless you really force it. The magnets Digiflavor uses with this device does seem pretty good. Also, even though the battery door is held on firmly, it still is easy to take it off.

All in all, my first impressions of the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod were positive! Even though it is a bit on the larger side, it does accommodate 30mm atomizers, which is a huge win with this device!


During my time using this device as my primary triple 18650 box mod, I can certainly say it’s been a joy! With 3 high drain 18650 batteries installed, it does become much heavier, and this is, of course, to be expected. Honestly, it’s not that heavy where I felt it was too much to take around with me.

In addition, like mentioned previously, the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod is ergonomic due to its rounded design which makes it very comfortable to hold and use. I still stand by what I said earlier though, I do think vapers with smaller hands might find this device just to be a bit too big. It’s not the same shape or design as say the Reuleaux or any other similar devices, but this is something I do appreciate. I do like the fact that Digiflavor went with a different design as many companies use a similar design.

One thing that did disappoint me though is the screen itself. The display itself does not utilize the entire screen that you see, which is a con for me. Even though this is not a major issue and does not affect its performance, it still is something I think Digiflavor should not have done. Honestly, it just doesn’t make sense that the screen is the size that it is, and when you turn it on, it only utilizes 2/3 of it.

However, going through the entire menu system is very easy, and regardless if you’re a beginner or advanced vaper, you’ll have no issues with this device. 5 clicks will turn the device on and off, which is the usual. 3 clicks will get you into the menu system, and you can utilize the wattage up and down buttons to scroll through it. By holding down the wattage up and down button you can swap between normal mode and stealth mode. In addition, when you are in temperature control mode, you can press the fire button 4 times to adjust your wattage, all the way up to 200w, which is a big pro!

Digiflavor df 200 mod review

I do want to mention once again that 30mm atomizers do sit flush with no overhang! This is one thing that I loved when using this mod, as I can use all of my 30mm atomizers, and have them sit flush! In addition, all of the atomizers I attached made a connection and sat flush as well!

All in all, using this device as my primary triple 18650 box mod has been great! Even though I was a bit disappointed with the screen, it in no way effected its performance, which is what we’ll get into next!


The Digiflavor DF 200 Mod requires 3 high drain 18650 batteries for operation, and it has a maximum wattage output of 200w. In addition, this device is firmware upgradeable, which is a major pro in my book! When vaping this device at higher wattages, it certainly feels like it’s delivering the power that it’s set at. I don’t have the equipment to actually test how accurate it is, but in comparison to my other devices, it vapes just the same when at the same wattage.

Also, the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod features temperature control for Ni200, Ti, SS316 and SS304. There is a TCR mode as well, so you can easily fine tune this device to your preferred settings, which is another pro to be mentioned! When testing it in stainless steel 316 temperature control mode, it worked just fine!

It also worked just as well in TCR mode, but I do want to mention that I preferred to use the TCR mode, as it felt just a bit more accurate. Adjusting the TCR mode can be done quite easily as well, simply press the fire button 3 times, scroll to TCR and select it. Once you’ve selected it, just input the desired TCR value!

Since the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod requires three 18650 batteries, you can expect great battery life. I once went almost 3 days vaping between 50 and 60w without needing to charge the batteries, which was quite surprising. When vaping at higher wattages such as between 70w and 100w, I can get just about 2 days of battery life out of it, which is still quite good!

Digiflavor df 200 mod review

Something else worth mentioning is that the power delivery with this mod is excellent. Once you press the fire button, it fires instantaneously! There is no noticeable delay, which is a huge pro once again for this device!

All in all, the performance of the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod was stellar! I had zero issues in regards to performance with this device, as it just worked and worked well in both wattage mode and temperature control mode!

Product Features:

  • Requires 3 High Drain 18650 Batteries (Not Included)
  • Maximum Wattage Output: 200w
  • Temperature Control (Ni200, Ti, SS316, SS304, TCR)
  • Minimum Firing Resistance: 0.05 ohm (TC), 0.1 ohm (VW)
  • Firmware Upgradeable
  • Spring Loaded 510 Connection
  • Zinc Alloy Construction
  • Ergonomic Design
  • Magnetic Battery Cover
  • Includes Micro USB Cable, User Manual & Warranty Card
  • Colors Available: Black & Gray


  • Ergonomic Design
  • Firm Battery Door
  • Accommodates atomizers up to 30mm
  • Firmware Upgradeable
  • TCR Mode
  • Excellent battery life
  • Solid build quality


  • The screen is a bit small and does not utilize the entire space
  • Large size (subjective)


In conclusion, the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod is a solid performing triple 18650 box mod! Everything just worked well, and I had zero issues with it in regards to its performance. In addition, the fact that it can accommodate 30mm atomizers without any overhang is just great, as many other mods on the market can’t do the same, which certainly makes this device stand out from the rest in my opinion.

Even though the screen itself is a bit on the smaller side and it does not utilize the entire space that you see, it really doesn’t affect anything about the performance of this device. In addition, I know for sure it’s large size might not attract everyone; hence is why I mentioned it as a subjective con. Although these cons were mentioned, I kept coming back to use this device with all of my 30mm atomizers, as this was a big factor for me as I do enjoy my 30mm tanks and RDAs.

If you’re in the market for an affordable and solid performing triple 18650 box mod that can accommodate your 30mm atomizers, then I can highly recommend the Digiflavor DF 200 Mod!

I hope you find this review helpful in finding the right device to fit all of your vaping needs! Feel free to leave any questions or comments down below! Thanks for reading!

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