Yiloong Geyscano Review

Geyscano mod

Bottomfeed mods have been around for a long while in the form of the venerable REO (my personal favorite mod – I own four of them), the Vapage VMOD, and others. It would seem they are quickly returning to favor – no better indicator than Chinese manufacturers hopping on the bottom-feed bandwagon. Bottomfeeders run the price gamut from the ultra-low cost Smokeless Owl unregulated mod to super exclusive, massively expensive regulated mods.

Bottomfeeders are perhaps the most practical of all vape mods – your juice supply is onboard and a simple squeeze of the juice bottle will feed liquid through the 510 pin into your atomizer. All of the flavor and performance of dripping without the actually dripping.

The subject of this review, the Geyscano, is a regulated squonker, brought to market by Yiloong. I’m willing to wager we will see a lot more bottom-feeders coming out of China in the near future. Is the Geyscano any good? Not as good as I had hoped. Read on, compadres.

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Where to buy the Yiloong Geyscano:


From the Urban Dictionary:

The Packaging and Included Stuff

The Geyscano is packaged in a nice gift box with a foam insert. The contents include the device, atomizer,  a 13ml capacity bottle, a user manual, and a small baggie containing a screwdriver, some silica wick, some wire, and spare o-rings for the atomizer.


Yiloong Geyscano Specifications:

  • Power output: 5W-50W
  • Maximum output voltage: 6V*
  • Maximum output current: 10A*
  • Single 18650 high drain battery required
  • Size: 90mm*56mm*26mm (without atomizer)
  • Weight: 124g (without atomizer, battery, or bottle)

*specs based on testing of the device rather than published data, which I could not locate.


  • Fixed 510 connector
  • Magnetic battery door
  • OLED screen
  • Aluminum construction
  • 13ml bottle

Build Quality

The Geyscano mod is constructed from aluminum and features a magnetic door which slides down and off the bottom of the device. The magnets are actually quite strong and the door fits flush. The black finish on the review unit is quite nice, showing no defects. A “Geyscano” logo is printed on the bottom of the device; the only branding present. The device feels very blocky in the hand, even more so than other box mods. It also imparts a feeling of cheapness when handled which may be due to it being very lightweight. With no battery, atomizer, or bottle, the Geyscano checks in at a featherweight 124g. With the factory atomizer, battery, and a mostly full bottle, it weighs 216g.

The fire button is a bit mushy, while the wattage up and down buttons feature very distinct, tactile “clicks”. Why the fire button lacks clickiness is beyond me. On a positive note, there is no button rattle at all. The fixed 510 connector will accommodate any diameter atomizer. Do not attempt to adjust the 510 pin as you will risk breaking the positive connection to the 510.  No charging port is present on the Geyscano so you will need to charge your battery using an external charger.

Aesthetically speaking, well… it’s a black aluminum box with a hole cut in the door. There is certainly nothing objectionable about the “styling” I suppose, especially if you prefer understated devices.


The internals, while fairly tidy, look a bit cheap. Two ribbons are present – one for battery removal, one for bottle removal. They are both longer than necessary and could benefit from some trimming. However, unlike a couple of other inexpensive Chinese regulated mods I’ve tested, neither ribbon has broken. Personally, I don’t think the bottle ribbon is necessary at all. The battery sled feature polarity markings indicating the correct battery orientation. The battery contacts had a tendency to damage my battery wrappers until I compressed them a bit.

The solder connection for the positive power wire at the 510 doesn’t seem particularly robust. Again, do not adjust the 510 pin or you may break this solder connection. Some hot glue can be seen around the firing switch inside the device. Additionally, the plastic shroud covering the circuit board does not fit flush with the edge of the case, leaving a  noticeable gap.


For anyone who has handled a REO Grand mechanical bottomfeed mod, here is a basic size comparison:


How about the included atomizer? It’s obviously stainless steel – of which grade, I have no clue. The hole in the 510 pin is sufficiently sized to provide good “squonking” and the drain hole is drilled at the base of the positive post. The top cap fit is a touch loose but the airflow control ring and threaded ring which secures the AFC both fit well. The included drip tip is standard fare – nothing special but perfectly serviceable. The airflow can be closed down to almost nothing and is extremely airy at its most open setting. I’m still not sure why this atomizer, designed for single coil use only, utilizes a three post design. That’s right, the airflow control only supports a single coil. From pictures I’ve seen recently, the newest version of the Geyscano includes a completely revised atomizer.


Performance and Usage

The Geyscano is fairly simple to use – fill your bottle with juice, pop in your battery, screw on your atomizer and issue five clicks of the firing button to bring the device to life. Wattage is adjusted by using the up and down buttons in 0.1W increments. Holding down either button will accelerate the adjustments and the device does “round robin” when it reaches the minimum or maximum power settings. Five clicks of the firing button will lock the device. Holding the up and down adjustment buttons simultaneously for a few seconds will power the device off.

You may have noticed that I didn’t list any protection mechanisms in the product specs. That’s because I couldn’t find any published. Reverse battery protection? Who knows. Short circuit protection? No idea. Low voltage protection? Shrug.

The OLED screen reports battery level, atomizer resistance, output voltage, and power setting.


For my initial testing, I used the included atomizer with a 1.0Ω single coil. I really can’t fathom why this thing has three posts. But, anyway, here’s the build:


Let’s get the atomizer performance out of the way first – it’s not great. The flavor was severely lacking with the exception of a pervasive machine oil taste which persisted even after multiple washings. Vapor production was acceptable though. The atomizer fed and drained liquid quite well, even with max VG juice, and I didn’t experience any leaks. Bottom line on the atomizer? Get a better one. I did most of my subsequent testing with a VLS Vector which has been modified for use on bottomfeed mods. I also did some testing with a Praxis Derringer, also modified for squonking. Both worked immeasurably better than the included atomizer, as should be expected.Geyscano_vector

Now, onto the Geyscano’s performance. I’ll start by mentioning that I didn’t experience any failures, glitches, or any other mishaps with the device. It worked every single time.

Now, the downfalls of the Geyscano. First is a very aggravating firing delay from sleep. The device does take a while to sleep (I didn’t time it but I’m guessing around a minute) but once it does, it takes a single press of the firing button to wake it up and a second press to fire the device after what seems like an egregiously long delay. The delay is probably around two seconds but it is still two seconds too long. If you are used to devices which fire from sleep, this thing will make you crazy.

Now we get the board’s performance. I’ll be blunt – the board is not great. Although the Geyscano is advertised as a 50W device, unless you build to very specific atomizer resistances, you’ll never see 50W. I tried to find published specs on the board to no avail. So, I busted out my inline voltmeter and did some testing. What I’ve determined is the Geyscano has a 6V output voltage limit and a 10A output current limit. Neither of these limits is conducive to flexibility when building your coils.

Take a look at the table below and you’ll see what I mean. First, a couple of notes – for some reason my inline voltmeter wouldn’t register a reading at or below 20W with a 0.3Ω atomizer. The device still fired the atomizer, the meter just didn’t register a reading. Also, during the 1.1Ω testing, the device’s resistance reading fluctuated between 1.1Ω and 1.3Ω. I may have had a slightly loose post screw in my atomizer. The numbers are still relevant though.  What you are going to see (highlighted in red) is where the device hits both its output voltage limits and output current limits. Essentially, if you want to try to employ the full 50W, or anything even close, you’ll need to build your coils from 0.5Ω to 0.7Ω. Any lower or higher and you’ll be bumping into the limits of the boards. Geyscano_voltage_chart

As you can see in the examples above, the Geyscano tapped out at 32W in both cases due to the boards inherent limitations. Also, please note the Geyscano does step down voltage.

Here are the relevant values for 0.5Ω-0.7Ω builds, in theory:


The resistances shown above should allow the device to operate within both its output voltage and output current limits.

Another curious behavior is the Geyscano’s tendency to “ramp up” the voltage. Rather than hitting the atomizer with the full output voltage right away, it sends a low voltage charge and then ramps up to full voltage. This was easily seen on the inline voltmeter although it didn’t seem to detract from the vape experience.

So, the device has some pretty crippling limitations. But, to be fair, I enjoyed using the Geyscano right at 30W with both my Vector and Derringer. It worked very well at that power level and worked every single time with no failures. Also, battery life seemed to be good although I didn’t benchmark it.


Let me preface my final comments on the Geyscano with the fact that I am kind of a squonking fanatic and I own some pretty nice bottomfeed gear. I tried to review the Geyscano without letting my preconceived notions of how squonking should be done interfere too much. I hope I’ve done that. However, I didn’t want to give it a pass where it didn’t deserve one.

All in all, I think the Geyscano is a reasonably good place to start for folks who would like to see what squonking is all about without dropping the hundreds of dollars required on some of the other options available. It’s reasonably inexpensive and works well for those folks who generally vape in the 15W-30W range. It certainly has its share of issues but the regulated bottomfeeder market isn’t exactly teeming with affordable options. If the Geyscano appeals to you, I hope you get one with the updated atomizer. I’m assuming it has to be better than the one included with the review unit. It’s hard to imagine it could be much worse.



  • ​Affordable cost of entry into squonking
  • check
    ​Reasonable build quality
  • check
    Large juice capacity


  • ​Severe voltage and current limitations
  • ​Aggravating fire delay from sleep
  • Exclamation Triangle
    Included atomizer is not good

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Where to buy the Yiloong Geyscano


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