Vandy Vape Pulse 24 BF RDA Review

Vandy vape pulse 24 bf rda review

Vandy vape pulse 24 bf rda review

Vandy Vape Pulse 24 BF RDA Review

Vandy Vape has been releasing quite a few products lately and all of them have been impressive thus far. In addition, they have collaborated before with YouTubers such as Mike Vapes with the Icon RDA, which made it to our Best RDA article, and Tony B with the original Pulse 22 BF RDA. They’ve now collaborated once again with Tony B and released the Pulse 24, which I know many vapers were hoping for since the original was 22mm in diameter and supported single coil builds only. This newer version is slightly larger coming in at 24mm, and now supports both single and dual coil builds!

Before getting any further, we would like to thank Vandy Vape for sending this atomizer our way for the purposes of this review. We’ll cover our first impressions, building and wicking, performance, pros and cons and conclude with whether or not we recommend the Pulse 24 BF RDA!

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Click Here to Check Out the Pulse 24 BF RDA!


First Impressions

When first receiving the Pulse 24, the first thing I noticed was the familiar blue packaging that most, if not all Vandy Vape products come in. Keep in mind that we did receive the trial version, so the final packaging may change a bit. I do like this style of packaging, it’s simple and to the point with just the important information on the front and back. I did receive the stainless steel version, but there are other colors available for purchase such as Black, Gold and Rainbow.

Once you slide open the packaging, you’re greeted with the Pulse 24 BF RDA and the extra delrin wide bore 810 drip tip. I immediately noticed that it was a bit shorter than the original Pulse 22, which I personally liked. I think the shorter profile makes it look better, but that’s subjective. In addition, I did noticed it was slightly wider since this version is 24mm in diameter rather than 22mm. Also, it’s great that they added 2 drip tips rather than 1 since some vapers simply don’t like Ultem and prefer delrin.

Included in the packaging, you do receive the Pulse 24, a Delrin and Ultem wide bore 810 drip tip, a 510 drip tip adapter, and a bag of spare parts which has spare o-rings, screws and a standard 510 pin inside. It’s definitely a huge pro that they do include all of these extras, especially the drip tips and drip tip adapter. So whether you like 810 drip tips or 510 drip tips, this RDA has got you covered.

Vandy vape pulse 24 bf rda review

The machining of this RDA is immaculate, and I was quite impressed by it, especially when you consider its price. There were no issues at all when it came to the quality of this RDA, which is a huge pro in my opinion.

Even though this RDA is a bit wider and slightly shorter than the original Pulse 22, I really like how this one looks in comparison. Not saying by any means that the original is bad, it’s a great atomizer and looks good, but there’s something about the slight difference in height that makes a huge difference. While this may not be something really noticeable or may not be something some vapers may not care for, I simply think this is a really good looking atomizer.

Also, the Pulse 24 came clean with zero machine oil! If you’ve read our previous RDA reviews, you know how much we dislike machine oil as with pretty much all other vapers. One wash with warm water, and this atomizer was ready to be built.

All in all, my first impressions of the Vandy Vape Pulse 24 BF RDA were great! I had zero cons to be mentioned, and I love how they included all of the extras alongside the small differences they made with this newer version in design.


Building and Wicking

I will say this right away, building and wicking is very easy on the Pulse 24 RDA. It does feature a gold plated postless build deck similar to that of the Pulse 22, but is slightly different since it has house 2 coils rather than 1. In addition, the juice well is slightly different to accommodate two coils. If you’re used to building on any postless build deck, then you’ll have no issues with this one.

I do want to mention a trick which I saw pretty much everyone doing in order to measure the right length for your coil leads. Simply cut your coil leads to the length of the included drip tip. This is pretty much the perfect length for your coil in order for the airflow to travel beneath your coil and then up through the drip tip. I found this to be pretty accurate when building, so if you do have this atomizer, utilize this trick and you won’t really have to measure your coils by inserting them in and out to check.

Of course, if you prefer the airflow to hit elsewhere on your coils, then you will of course have to adjust the coil length to your preference. However, I found that the best performance is by using this method. When you cut your leads at this length, they do sit a bit higher, so you have to make sure they are not touching the airflow tubes, as this will cause a short and that’s something you want to avoid at all times. Simply adjust your coils slightly towards the center, and you’re good to go.

Vandy vape pulse 24 bf rda review

The big difference with this RDA in comparison to the original is that you can install two coils rather than one. When you are inserting two coils, you can’t really fit massive builds, and larger inner diameter coils. I would say 3mm in diameter coils would be the biggest for like Fused Claptons and other exotic coil builds. With round wire builds you may be able to fit larger ID coils if you desire.

However, if you’re just using a single coil, then you can put a massive coil right in the middle. I actually preferred using this atomizer with dual coils, but we’ll get into that later into the review.

Wicking the Pulse 24 is rather simple as well. I like to cut my cotton right to about where the bottom o-ring is at the bottom of the base. After cutting the cotton, simply fluff it out a bit, and cut off the excess cotton. Once you do this, tuck your cotton gently into the wicking ports. You want to avoid stuffing your cotton in, especially if you’re squonking. Once you do this, you’re good to go!

All in all, building and wicking the Vandy Vape Pulse 24 BF RDA is simple and I’m sure both beginners and advanced vapers will have little to no issues.

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Click Here to Check Out the Pulse 24 BF RDA!



Now the biggest question of this review is how is the performance of the Pulse 24? Well, I can definitely say the performance is incredible! I do want to mention that I mostly used this atomizer when squonking as it’s really designed to be used so. You can use it with the standard 510 and it’ll vape the same, but this on top of a squonking box mod is a match made in heaven.

My preferred coil build was a dual Fused Clapton build, which had a resistance of 0.15 ohm. This is a great resistance for both a mechanical mod and regulated box mod. With this coil build, I got a nice warm and flavorful vape. I did try other coil builds and they worked just fine, but I do prefer exotic builds such as Fused Claptons as you do get great flavor from them.

Going back to single coils, I did install a larger Fused Clapton, and the performance was good, but not as great as a dual coil build in my opinion. This would be better than say a dual round wire build, but not when compared to two Fused Claptons. Like said previously, I think it vapes good with a single coil, but I do prefer the Pulse 22 for a single coil, but that’s subjective as you may prefer a single coil in this version. It’s still a pro regardless that is supports both.

Now onto airflow, the Pulse 24 RDA has much more airflow than the original, and this is to be expected since it is larger in diameter and houses two coils. I actually preferred to close of one airflow hole, as this provided me with a but more restriction. When the airflow is wide open, there’s hardly any resistance and some of you vapers will certainly enjoy it since it’ll cool down your much hotter builds and is great for cloud chasing. I do wish that you could have 1 and a half holes open in the airflow, but due to how it’s designed (similar to the original), it’s not possible. This is a subjective con.

Vandy vape pulse 24 bf rda review

Something worth mentioning is that when you put on your top cap, there are indents which show you where to align your top cap. Even you don’t put on the top cap properly, simply twist the top cap until it falls into place. This is definitely great to have, and ensures your top cap won’t move by accident and that your airflow will always be directed to your coils.

The flavor from this RDA is excellent, and slightly better than the original. The original had great flavor in my opinion, but this one does have better. I would definitely say the flavor from this RDA is well above average, and I’m sure it’s because of how the airflow is designed. It reminds me of the Kennedy RDA a bit with it’s tubular style. When you have your coil installed just a little higher, the airflow is able to travel underneath, which surely helps in the flavor department.

The squonk channel is fairly deep, and flows into the juice well easily. Also, when you’re squonking, the e-juice goes exactly where you need it go, and if there’s excess it’s simply sucked back into the squonk bottle. You have no worries whatsoever with leaking due to how it’s designed. In addition, when you’re vaping with the standard 510 pin and not squonking, you can drip e-liquid right through the center of the drip tip and e-juice will go where it needs to as well.

All in all, the performance of the Pulse 24 BF RDA by Vandy Vape and Tony B is top notch. I have pretty much no cons when it came to the performance, and was satisfied with each and every vape.



  • Excellent build quality
  • Includes tons of extras
  • Compatible with both 510 drip tips & 810 drip tips
  • Top notch flavor and vapor production
  • Supports both single & dual coil builds
  • Comes with both squonk (Bottom Feeding) and standard 510 pin
  • No machine oil
  • Locking Top Cap


  • Can’t have one and a half airflow holes open due to design (subjective)



All in all, the Vandy Vape and Tony B Pulse 24 BF RDA is a home run! This is an excellent performing RDA whether you’re using it on a squonking box mod or normal vape mod. Both the flavor and vapor production is top notch. Not to mention, the quality of this atomizer is immaculate, and best of all, no machine oil!

There was only one subjective con that was mentioned, but it’s not the biggest issue and it didn’t really bother me too much since I actually ended up preferring just 1 airflow hole open when vaping. I know the vapers who love tons of airflow will enjoy this newer version, because it has a lot more than the original. The airflow is also nice and smooth, which is great.

If you were a fan of the original or looking for a new RDA to squonk with, then I highly recommend picking up the Pulse 24. It’s incredibly versatile and well built. You certainly won’t be disappointed with this one! Vandy Vape and Tony B did an excellent job with this one.

I hope this review helps you with choosing the best atomizer to fit your vaping needs! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them down below! Thanks for reading!

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Click Here to Check Out the Pulse 24 BF RDA!


Product Features:

  • 24mm Base Diameter
  • Gold Plated Postless Build Deck
  • Supports Single & Dual Coil Builds
  • Tubular Airflow Design (Fully Adjustable)
  • Includes Squonk & Standard 510 Pin
  • Locking Top Cap
  • Gold Plated 510 Contact
  • Includes Bag of Spare Parts (O-Rings, T-Tool & Screws)
  • Compatible with 510 (With Adapter) & 810 Drip Tips (Includes Ultem & Delrin 810 Drip Tips)
  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • Colors Available: Stainless Steel, Black, Gold, Rainbow

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