ECF Electronic Cigarette Survey Results

E-cigarette survey results

E-cigarette survey results [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he E-Cigarette Forum (ECF) recently surveyed 10,000 different electronic cigarettes users to see exactly what vaping is like in 2014. The world of vaping is changing, new technology and users preferences are moving at a rapid pace. The early stick style e-cigarettes changed to the larger eGo type e-cigs and now a huge majority of vapers are using mod’s. I have noticed the preferred nicotine strength of e-liquid changing as user switch from stick style e-cigs to larger mods. Larger and more powerful e-cigarettes produce more vapor so people are switching to lower nicotine e-liquid.  The survey also shows the change in preference from tobacco and menthol flavors to fruity flavors.

They are currently using all the data to write a research paper on the topic.

Electronic Cigarette Survey Results

E-liquid consumption

I was amazed to find out how much e-liquid some people are using. I was under the impression that most people used 1 – 3 milliliters a day. It’s crazy that 63.9% of people are using 4 or more ml’s of e-liquid each day.

E-liquid nicotine strength


This shows what I have observed, vapers are switching to lower nicotine strength e-liquid as devices produce more vapor.

Atomizer vaping data

Looks like the majority of users are using newer tank atomizers. It’s interesting to see that disposable and pre-filled cartridge use is a higher percentage in 2014 than 2013.

E-cigarette atomizer data

I think this shows that most vapers just want to use the latest and greatest products.

Vaping devices data

It still looks like the majority of vapers are using an eGo type device, I suspect that the percentage of people using mods/APV’s will increase next year.

Dual use with e-cigarettes and tobacco

Looks like most dual users are just getting a disposable electronic cigarettes from gas stations. I’m sure many of these users aren’t even trying to quit smoking.

Vaping fears data

It’s interesting that people are more concerned with buying quality batteries than buying quality e-liquid.

Fears about vaping e-cigarettes

I have a feeling that negative new about e-cigarettes will never end. It doesn’t matter how many studies there are, the media just loves to feed of fear. Big tobacco may even be involved in pushing these stories.

Vaping fears

Wow, that’s a huge percentage. I guess at this point i’m not too concerned. I feel like they can’t ban the devices and they can’t ban the ingredients in e-liquid, i’ll just make it myself.

E-liquid flavors vaping preference

I’m amazed at how low the menthol flavor percentage is. When I was a supplier the top two flavors sold were  menthol and tobacco. I have always liked fruit and candy flavors the most.

E-cigarette hardware data

What happened to the “Large/APV” category in the other results. I figured this section would have increased as well as the mechanical mod section.

Tobacco vaping results

If a tobacco company produced the best device for the best price I’d still buy it. You can’t beat value.

Tobacco trends results

I agree that without the fruit and candy flavors I love it would have been a lot harder to make the switch. With these flavors vaping tastes way better than smoking.

Vape store results

When a smoker wants to switch to an electronic cigarette all the products and information can be overwhelming. I think it’s very important they can walk into a store and have someone explain it to them in person.

 What do you guys think of these results?


14 thoughts on “ECF Electronic Cigarette Survey Results”

  1. For me personally,I smoked 2 packs a day for over 40 years. I’ve tried all the products and methods to stop smoking over the last 20 years and was still smoking. I was introduced to the e-cig (Kanger Evod) about a year ago and haven’t had another cigarette since. I have several devices now, I rebuild my own coils, experiment with different coils and wick materials and have recently started mixing my own juice. For me this occupies my mind as well as satisfies my urge to smoke. I’ve never tried a tobacco flavor and can’t understand why anyone would when there are so many other GOOD flavors available. I started at 24mg/ml nicotine level and for about 2 months now I’ve been at 3mg/ml. My goal is to be nicotine free by the new year. I can’t believe how much better I feel since I quit smoking.

    1. Our stories are just about identical, except I smoked 2 1/2 packs a day for 35 years. Everything else is spot on for me as well. making my own coils different wicks, and even making my own juice. I will NEVER go back to smoking !!!

  2. I learnt about ecigs way back in 2009. I got a 510 kit, and some dekang chinese flavours and away I went. I tried and tried over a 6month period to go smoke free, but couldnt get there. The flavours were chemically-ee, 24mg nic was too weak, and the vapour was thin and airy. I eventually retired the 510, and the idea of vaping (I retired when the ego was a new-$100 device! I never got one).

    I dusted off the 510 in march 2014 to take with me to a non-smoking family gathering, and looked into the industry that night.

    Boy was I pleased (and a bit overwhelmed) at the industry’s progress! A few weeks later, after getting up to speed, I got some new juice, a vw pv, and my introduction to tanks was a dream come true! The ease of adjusting power to taste, and the explosion in quality flavours now available are what kept me going this time around.

    I found that making a hobby out of trying new flavours; hunting for that all day vape, keeps me away from cigarettes this time. I still smoke, but when I do, I have a few puffs, and am sickened from the harshness and terrible taste, so I put it out. Ive wasted 80% of the cigarettes ive lit since June. Ive acclimated to enjoy the ways in which vaping is different, which is great!

    To anyone on the fence, or anyone who tried and failed the smoker-to-vaper transition a few years ago: take it from me, try it (again)! That first 48h period you can go without a real cigarette is the threshold where afterwards youll be MORE satisfied vaping versus smoking.

    I have a bit more to go before i can retire the lighter for good, but Ill get there, and i think im doing pretty well for 8 weeks…after 20 yrs of smoking a pack per day.

    1. I actually had a similar experience. I was very involved with the industry during the 901/510 stick phase and then left it. When I returned 2 years later I was amazed at the difference in just a few years. E-Cig are way better now, even the cig-alike- types.

  3. I was a pack a day smoker for 40 years. I smoked my last cigarette on May 19th 2014, I have been vaping every since and haven’t looked back. I have now started making my own juice and having fun doing it. The variety of batteries out there are numerous. At this time I have 2-vv twists and a x6 vv mod. The x6 vv mod is my favorite. I have entered some of your contests to win something I cannot afford. Keep doing what your doing, love getting your emails.

  4. Wynne Carter

    This is all very interesting! I have to say I’m also amazed at the amount of juice that some people are vaping a day. Anything more than 10 ml per day sounds really excessive, though I guess if you are a sub-ohm vaper it would not be all that difficult to do. These new mods, and RDAs….wow, what an improvement in devices over those earliest cig-a-likes! When I first tried to give up the cigs for vaping in 2010 I was unsuccessful. The cig-a-likes were poor quality, and always left me wanting, but worst of all you couldn’t run to the store and pick up cartomizers, and batteries when you needed them. Thankfully with the ego & iclear16 I was able to quit easily 8 months ago, of course now that I have my itaste mvp & aerotank, the ego set-up seems primitive. Ha, and the first e-juice flavors were just awful, really awful…makes me wonder how I ever vaped that stuff from the corner stores, yuck! But I am still grateful…. after 37 smoke-filled years I am finally free at last.

  5. I smoked 2 packs a day for 50 years. The day I bought my first e-cig, I bought 2 packs of Camel 99’s and has smoked 2 of them. When I got my first Smart Smoke e-cig and 24mg cartridges. I did not smoke another cigarette for 2 days. This was Aug 3rd, 2013. I could not smell the aroma of the e-cig or taste it. But I was determined not to go back to cigarettes. I have sense moved on from the cartridges to my Tesla vv/vw APV and the Aerotank Mega. On Aug 5, 2014 I went into the hospital with a heart attack. I ended up having a pacemaker installed. After being released on Aug 10, 2014. I now find that I can taste and smell all my favorite juices. I have decided to move on to making my own juices.So a year after quitting smoking, I am breathing much easier. I no longer have to fight the stinky smell of cigarettes. I don’t intend to get into RBA’s and RDA’s. Even though I understand Ohn’s law and what is required to rebuild coils.I have a degree in Electronics Technology and have worked in Electronics most of my life. I am satisfied with the tanks from Kanger and not into cloud chasing.

    1. Sorry to hear about your health problems but this is a great story to attest to the wonders of vaping. I’m glad you were able to quit cigarettes, vape on!

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