I like big boxes and I can not lie, you other vapers can’t deny (I can imagine the face palms and head shaking going on right now). I’m a fan of big, chunky devices and, well… small, svelte devices. I’m an equal opportunity vaper. But, suffice it to say, I’m not averse to a big honkin’ chunk of a mod and that’s what we have here today with this Ivogo Dimitri review.
What is the Ivogo Dimitri?
The latest addition to my small but growing collection of dual battery box mods is the Ivogo produced clone of the Dimitri mod by Phillipino modder Kiko Lucena, aka Vaping Kiko. The Dimitri is an unregulated, dual 18650 battery box mod with a fully mechanical switch.
The batteries are arranged in a parallel configuration which means effective battery capacity (mAh) and current drain handling (A) are doubled while initial output voltage (V) from a pair of fully charged cells remains unchanged at 4.2V. And, like any unregulated mechanical device, output voltage to the atomizer decreases each time the device is fired.
Please note that in a parallel configuration, like found in the Dimitri, a cell with a stronger charge will attempt to feed voltage to the weaker cell. As such, it is recommended to always start with two fully charged batteries, preferably of the same manufacturer and capacity. While “marrying” a pair of batteries for a parallel device isn’t considered as crucial as it is for a device which uses a serial battery configuration, I prefer to marry new pairs for all of my dual battery devices.
More information on parallel and serial battery configurations is available from Battery University.
Unlike some unregulated box mods which use anti-vandal switches and/or MOSFETs, the Dimitri’s fully mechanical switch should not be subject to concerns regarding high current usage.
The combination of the doubled current drain handling from the parallel battery configuration and the mechanical switch should allow for very low sub-ohm builds. If that is your kind of jam, please continue to observe all aspects of battery safety and Ohm’s Law.
The Ivogo Dimitri features:
- Brand: Ivogo
- Mod type: Dual 18650 mechanical box mod
- Individually serialized
- Full alloy casing in hard chrome finish
- Gold plated “Dimitri” logo plate
- Delrin insulators
- Silver plating over pure copper contacts (negative
- 99.9% copper contacts (positive)
- Adjustable negative battery contacts
- Fixed copper positive 510 pin
- Magnetic battery door
Physical dimensions:
- 107mm*54.6mm*26mm per Focalecig.com listing
- 108mm*54.6mm*26mm using my digital calipers (to top of firing button)
- 100.3mm*54.6mm*26mm using my digital calipers measuring (to top of case)
This is fairly hefty device, listed at a portly 246g. As weighed on my digital scale, I show 244g empty and 332g with a pair of Samsung 25R cells.
Where can I buy a Dimitri Clone?
The Ivogo units are currently available at Focalecig and Fasttech. Fastech also has several other Dimitri “style” clones of unspecified origin. The authentic device is available from several sources, one of which is noted below.
- Buy from Focalecig for $38.00 – Use Coupon Code: SAVE12DIMITRI Ships for free from China
- Buy from Fasttech for $26.93 – Free shipping from China
- Authentic – Buy from Vape Up USA for $199 – Ships from USA
Are you going to review the Ivogo Dimitri or what?
I’ve spent a few weeks with the Ivogo Dimitri and I am a fan. The build quality is quite good. My unit has only one notable defect – a small ding on one corner of the battery door. The fit and finish are excellent. The gold plating is evenly applied and shines brightly, and the logo engraving is deep and well defined. The hard chrome finish is uniform and free of blemishes. The negative contact threading is clean and the negative contacts thread in and out very smoothly. Similarly, the 510 connector threading is clean and my atomizers thread on smoothly and evenly.
Each unit is individually serialized and features a “Vaping Kiko” engraving on the bottom of the mod. Aesthetics are, of course, highly subjective but I rather like the look of this device. It has an air of understated elegance (if you know me, you are probably laughing right about now). I also very much appreciate the simple, effective overall design of the Dimitri.
The ergonomics were a big question for me prior to receiving the Dimitri. The rather ungainly size and form factor combined with a top mounted firing button had me skeptical of how comfortable it would be to use the mod. For me, at least, the concerns were unwarranted. I hold the Dimitri with the logo facing my palm and fire the device with my index finger. However, users with small hands may not find the Dimitri comfortable to use.
The firing button is spring loaded and has a smooth, easy throw. Apparently, the switch can be locked but I haven’t yet been able to achieve the adjustment necessary for the switch to lock and the mod to still fire. The copper contact on the bottom of the switch can be adjusted to accommodate the length of throw and whether or not you can lock the firing button. A helpful soul mentioned to me that the authentic is also a bit finicky in this regard. Since I will be using the Dimitri strictly as an “at home” device I opted to ignore the switch locking issue.
If you wish to make switch adjustments, simply slide the delrin piece out of the device to access the inner workings of the switch. I found that removing the negative contact on the switch side allowed me to use a long, skinny flat head screwdriver inserted through the negative contact hole to make my adjustments.
The negative battery contacts are adjustable for battery rattle by threading them up or down as necessary using the slotted screw heads on the bottom of the device. I’m using Samsung 25R flat top cells and only minimal adjustment is necessary to secure the batteries. This leads me to believe button top batteries are probably a no-go with the Dimitri.
The copper 510 pin seems to be fixed, which is kind of a drag. So, you’ll want to use an atomizer with an adjustable 510 pin to achieve a flush fit. Thankfully, the Mephisto I used for this review has an adjustable pin and sits perfectly flush on the Dimitri. A spare copper 510 assembly is included in the box. I’ve read that Ivogo’s most recent version of the Dimitri has a spring loaded 510 assembly but I have been unable to confirm that information. If true, perhaps the spring loaded assemblies will be made available to retrofit units with a fixed 510 pin.
The battery door fitment is excellent. While the magnets could stand be stronger, I’ve had no issues unintentionally dislodging the battery door. The battery door makes a satisfying “clink” when popped into place.
How does it vape, dummy?
The Dimitri vapes wonderfully. In simple terms, it hits reasonably hard. I’ve been using it with an Ivogo Mephisto V2 clone built to .21ohm with basic 22AWG 2.4mm Kanthal dual coils. I was able to fog up the review room (my den) rather quickly vaping 100% VG Aprodite’s Sin from Open Source Vapor while writing this review.
I used my digital multimeter to measure the voltage drop by placing the probes on the positive and negative posts while firing the device . Both batteries were fresh off the charger and measured 4.21V. The DMM reported back 3.61V for a voltage drop of 0.60V. Honestly, I was expecting a bit less voltage drop even with the fairly low .21Ω build. My in-line voltmeter is AWOL but once it reappears, I’ll update the results if necessary.
Ok, wrap it up already…
In summary, I think the Dimitri clone by Ivogo is a great mod. It is attractive, very nicely made, simple to maintain, and performs well. I’ve been going through mods at an alarming rate recently but I suspect the Dimitri has found a permanent spot in my rotation. The closest mod I own to which a reasonable comparison can be made is a Cigreen ABS Tank Crossing which is also a dual 18650 unregulated box mod with a mechanical switch. If I could only keep one, it would likely be the Dimitri. Fortunately, I get to keep both.
My only niggles with the Ivogo Dimitri are the switch locking issues, the fixed 510 pin, and perhaps the need for stronger magnets to secure the battery door. All things considered, I think this mod is a winner. I purchased my unit for $39.99 but I’d have no qualms paying the Minimum Advertised Price of $50.
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Where to buy a Dimitri Mod
- Buy from Focalecig for $38.00 – Use Coupon Code: SAVE12DIMITRI – Ships for free from China
- Buy from Fasttech for $26.93 – Free shipping from China
- Authentic – Buy from Vape Up USA for $199 – Ships from USA
Success! Congrats! :)
Fantastic review and very informative.
I got mine from ft and the 510 is floating but not the spare 510;)the 510 is just press fitted and needs to break in thats all;)
Good info! Thanks. I haven’t inspected the spare 510. Is your’s an Ivogo?
can you please post the link to the one you got that has a floating pin from fasttech?
Nice review! I like your style, it kept me wanting to keep reading and gave me all the info I needed to know. Good photo shots as well. Thank you for posting the important tips on the battery’s and the safety info. Well done!
Thanks peeps!
I got the black FT clone last week, it’s my new favorite mod! This has got to be the most well put together clone I’ve ever bought. Definitely recommend this.
Very nice review bro.
Nice one!
My Dimitri has a floating pin. Haven’t had any issues since I got it. My two 2500mAh 18650 batteries last for over 12 hours when using the kangertech sub tank. And I can go through a 30ml bottle in a day using it and the batteries will still have over 3.2v charge when I put them back in my charger.
I ordered my Dimitri from eBay and it has such a tight fit for the batteries that it has taken then outer wrapping off of my batteries and grounded the batteries out and the batteries got extremely hot in a short amount of time. I love how it looks and the button is great but i’ll have to make a little room in, and insulate, the inside of the box before i can use this as a favorite box mod.
Hey Joe, the bottom has screws that will help the battery fit.